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[SWITCH] DBD Keeps crashing on switch. Almost unplayable.

DiqqGuillotine Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
edited July 2023 in Bug Reporting

As you can tell by the title I am on Nintendo Switch, and after every game I’ve been crashing. 9 times out of ten I’ll crash when loading out of a finished match, and sometimes (but still often) I even crash randomly in the lobby. This makes the game almost unplayable for me. I’ve noticed someone who posted an error report similar to this on the Forums was just ignored. Just like every other Post they were marked “uNdER rEvIeW” with no other responses for days. This is wildly unprofessional tbh.. but aside from that, yeah, I am still crashing a large amount on Switch And it just started Happening randomly a week or two ago and hasn't ceased. Please actually take action on This.

Post edited by Rizzo on
3 votes

Duplicate · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue. This problem has already been reported and it's currently under review.


  • Seleneseraph
    Seleneseraph Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2023

    This problem is happening to my friend as we speak.

    We're currently playing for about 1,5hour. Every game she either crashed while loading into the lobby with the killer and crashing directly after each game played.

    She has stable WiFi.

    Plays mainly on her oled switch, latest dbd update.

    Reinstalled het game more than 3x.

    The problem also happens on her switch light.

    The problem mainly started just before the last event.

    We've tried everything! Tried several 'solutions' but nothing helps


    Asked my brother, he also seems to have the problem, but less frequent, he can play more often before he gets these issues.

    He uses an oled switch as well.

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