Suggestion - Chapter - „From“

  • Production Team :
  • Midnight Radio
  • Gozie AGBO
  • MGM Television
  • Epix Studios

Idea :

John Griffin

I will be adding more info the next days, it was just an idea like these I have in the nights when my brain stops me from sleep. Then I need to write it down asap. I really love these series.

Community feedback expressly desired.

Killer Idea :

Killers looking like normal survivors before starting attacks. U can never be sure, who comes next to you.

You need time to heal or need a protected area for a short time, then use the talisman.

Map : Village

Lets discuss about best survivors, perks, … I come back later here!


  • ifeelthelags
    ifeelthelags Member Posts: 61

    Ok wow. Did even someone recognized that. Maybe bhvr pick up this idea. I’m out.