Is the new onryo " too " strong ?

Hello dbd community, I have an little question after saw Otzdarva's VOD, is the Onryo " TOO " buffed ? Or player need to adapt and learn how to counter the killer.
It seems that the Onryo have an quite good slow down, and good presence and an good lethality.
Pretty goods addons who can change the way to play the killer, but ...
The Onryo really struggle against loop and chase ...
She has a couple of overpowered addons that need tweaks but as a whole I think she's probably fine.
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She needed a buff, but this was bit too much. She should be able to condemn survivors only every two teleports.
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Too strong, killing someone at 0 hook state is most broken thing in the game, it's way too easy/brainless to spam TP every 10 seconds and hit an m1 here and there, killer should work a bit harder for a game breaking effect
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Too strong against solo queue. Yet again the solo queue vs SWF void grows.
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She’s fine, people are already starting to adapt better in games. The condemn is strong but it’s literally all she has. She’s trash in every other aspect that makes a good killer good so she would need massive buffs in other areas to compensate if we were to touch her condemn.
The only time I see her condemn be an issue in my games are when my teammates refuse to touch tapes and don’t respect her condemn until it’s too late.