Why make DC penalty stricter when you add bots

Ok let me just start off by saying I hate when players DC Survivors/Killers survivors more so than killers

but now Survivors just suicide on hook and the other survivors get nothing just a lost game

Bots are literally rendered basically unusable because if a survivor unalive themselves on hook you don’t get a bot

and especially right now with Skull Merchant able to keep you in the game until the sever shuts down and killers able to slug and bleed a survivor to death or slugs for the 4K (with the bots survivors can’t DC for hatch anymore) and keep survivor in the game unnecessarily long time for no reason or getting face camped by bubba and you don’t wanna deal with it

if anything the DC penalty should be more lenient if a person doesn’t want to play a match there are not going to. At least if they DC they survivors get something and not a useless teammate who went AFK or who leaves by getting on hook

and I think removing hook attempts leads to a whole new discussion

again I don’t support people who DC I support the the players who are left to deal with it