Playing Killer is miserable right now


Buckle Up+For the People, instant 10 second Endurance for two people.

If anyone with Plot Twist manages to break chase they can just take a quick power nap to heal up. No noises, no blood. No way to find them. Totally free, unless I tunnel them.

Singularity takes too long to do anything useful.

Alien coming is nice and all, but playing Killer sucks right now.


  • bbqBilly
    bbqBilly Member Posts: 53

    If those things make you miserable despite them being easy to counter then there is literally nothing that can be done for you to enjoy killer.

    MFT and Hope is the only legitimate issue, haste just shouldn't stack.

  • nikodemo
    nikodemo Member Posts: 786

    i run into SWFs often abusing the combo. it's a nightmare.

    i'll live with MFT, usually it's fine, but it's indicative of a pattern of buffing survs without really taking in to account the consequences. that's what concerns me more, and it's that thinking that's lead to other problems.

    now, i'm all for buffing garbo perks, but they need to keep in mind that there are FOUR survs, that's 16 perks. their perks have to be weaker than Killer perks because there are lots of players running around the map using them together against only one player.

  • nikodemo
    nikodemo Member Posts: 786
    edited August 2023

    i'm not sure the solution to a gameplay issue should be "don't play the game."

    in your scenario, i tend to slug.

    the BU+FTP guys tend to stalk the killer to recover the fallen teammate during hit animations. they just do it on rotation. i'm not saying it's unbeatable or game breaking, but it's too much bang for buck. instant 10 sec endurance for half the team? that's bonkers.

  • bbqBilly
    bbqBilly Member Posts: 53

    I mean clearly all those years playing killer haven't done much for you since you list plot twist as a problematic perk. Oh no, the survivor disables themselves for 30 seconds, gets healed and the perk is then disabled until endgame. Good thing there isn't an item that does the same thing but faster...

    Buckle up and For the people is countered by just literally injuring people, most survivors are chasing after you making them easy targets. If the whole team is swarming you then you win by attrition since nobody is doing gens.

    I think the most obvious one though is you calling Singularity bad, one of the strongest chase killers in the game, but somehow "takes too long to do anything useful".

  • nikodemo
    nikodemo Member Posts: 786
    edited August 2023

    yes, i'm sure Sing's numbers will show that out.

    the issue is, designing perks with big rewards and minimal drawbacks.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,131

    I don't mind Plot Twist since it's once per match until the gates are powered, but MFT absolutely needs a rework. Unlimited movement speed boosts is incredibly problematic to M1 killers without any kind of movement abilities such as The Ghost Face, Myers, etc...