General Discussions

General Discussions


Member Posts: 501

Alright, so the community already have few ideas about the xenomorph power :)

  • Vent (yes like among us)
  • Egg stuffs
  • poisons ?

Those are the mains ideas.

The " vent " one look good, like movement map control killer ... seems ... already well known ... but add this on all the map should be ... difficult for devs. Probably an 2nd ability

The Egg stuffs and the poison one look good tho


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  • Member Posts: 4,872

    I can guess it perfectly... but it'll take me about a week.

  • Member Posts: 941

    I would bet.

    - Vents, yeah like amongus in fact. Survivors can hear you crawling but you have killer instinct if close.

    - Stealth.

    - Speed.

    - If bhvr is crazy walk on walls roofs.

    May be a hook/mori system like PHead.

    Acid blood as a perk.

  • Member Posts: 3,133

    The obvious thing to me also seems unworkable: crawling on walls/ceilings.

    Acid also seems like a good candidate, but I think the xenomorph would need to injure itself to make that work, which would be kind of weird.

    Eggs/Facehuggers would only make sense if there was a queen involved.

    Vents would require across the board map adjustments.

    Leaping/pouncing seems to close to Demo for my liking.

    A stealth kit with short range dash/speed burst might be something.

    I'd be surprised if we don't see some sort of tail grab/strike.

    Whatever it is, it seems like BHVR will have had to get creative; hopefully not anything to lorebreaking.

    Mori possibilities seem pretty obvious.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited August 2023

    The obvious thing to me also seems unworkable: crawling on walls/ceilings.

    Leaping/pouncing seems to close to Demo for my liking.

    We now have collision points for vertical/elevated structures, as Singularity can attach it's Biopods to them.

    If you can attach a Biopod, why couldn't you have the killer leap to and from that same point?

    I'm not keen on any type of egg-laying or vent-traversal. These don't fit with the Drones abilities. Only Queens lay eggs, and the vent thing only seems to be an aspect of the original movie due to it's setting, it's not in inherent power of the Xenomorph to 'generate magical portals that looks like air ducts'.

  • Member Posts: 968

    i would bet on a stealth mix of demo / twins / plague/pig.

    Demo's shred pallet mechanic . Twin's victor movement speed while on all 4's- maybe half of it, with undectable, can leap while on all 4's.

    Maybe a tail flick that infects with acidic blood burns them over time, lose a health state overtime and become broken for like 20 seconds.

    I don't see them implementing vents unless they're in a fixed location on the map for traversal.

    Facehuggers possibly, maybe random eggs scattered around the map, Basement being a nest - rushed actions near them or running past them activate them, auto mori after 2nd hook stage with a 3 minute timer or when killer downs you.

    Survivor counterplays i have no idea, burn the eggs maybe or seal the vents.

  • Member Posts: 3,133
    edited August 2023

    I agree to a point, vent traversal was a thing in the original, somewhat in Aliens, and in Isolation, iirc.

    That said, most of the horror there was encountering a xenomorph while in the ducts, which obviously wouldn't be a thing in DBD.

    But now that you point it out, clinging to a high wall and dropping down on unsuspecting survs would be hella fun. Not sure how that would work in indoor maps, though (kind of like how Hux's power sucks on indoor maps).

  • Member Posts: 941

    I would not discard vents yet. Somewhat like demo portals but random spawn in floors and roofs.

    Clinging seems more probable than wall running for sure, Singularity does that with biopods so it should work.

  • Member Posts: 298

    Acid blood would go well as a mechanic with pallet stuns.

    I'm imagining movement mechanics similar to a demo.

    He's got tail jabs, acid spit if you go beyond just the movies, inner jaw moris, hive camouflage, facehuggers that could work like Victor, leaps that work like Wesker - he has it all! I might have to retire my maining of Nurse and Singularity for this majestic beast.

  • Member Posts: 3,133

    Or perk that breaks pallets that are dropped on you, a la spirit fury but better.

    Again, not sure how you do eggs or facehuggers with a drone xenomorph.

    I'm guessing we don't see anything we didn't see in the original movie, or at least the movies in general. I'd be surprised if they draw from the more obscure material.

  • Member Posts: 298

    He might have a unique hook design - more cocoon looking. That would be neat.

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