Can we please get faster matchmaking?
Typically I could find a match within a minute, now it’s taking at LEAST 5-6 minutes to join a match. Then when I get into a match, I’m paired up with people who clearly aren’t even close to my rank. I’m iridescent 1 but I haven’t been playing as much because I’ll play for 3 hours and only get about 5-6 matches. Can we please fix this BHVR? I honestly am getting annoyed with spending money on a game I love to play, and barely being able to play enough matches.
That's player base issue, BHVR can do nothing but make the range of rank being paired together more bigger.
Switch the role you play will be a easier solution.
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I think my comment was taken down, but thank you for explaining it to me! 😁
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Depends on the region i suppose
im in Minnesota and usually get 10 second queues, or a minute max
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the longer the matchmaking the wider the range of mmr between you and your teammates cuz at that point mmr prioritizes faster queues.
as for the speed of queues i don't see how can they fix that am sure it's a temporary thing tho at least till alien or nic cage hype dies down.
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Faster matchmaking can only lead to more imbalances.
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Notice the 100% bonus points on the other side? Thats the reason your matchmaking takes so long. To many people playing your role. So just switch to the other role and you get instant lobbies.
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Iridiscent 1 means nothing about matchmaking, just how many points you get every 13th.
Every player have a hideen MMR thats whats used for matchmaking.
Also, 100% bonus to killers (at least im with perma extra points), suggest there usually are quite more survs than killers.
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That's a contradicting demand.
The faster/shorter the matchmaking, the worse is it is accuracy wise.
And matchmaking was already softened/removed for shorter queue times and you yourself already complain about useless teammates.
If you want really short queue times at any point then it might as well just be instant random grouping.
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I play killer and very rare to wait longer than 1 minute. I think it's sometimes playing killer just isn't fun and more people play survivor.
But I can see a change to survivor queue times when alien comes around.
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Depending on what region and time of day you play, the queue times for survivors and killers are very different. This is due to a lack of killer / survivor players that are available for matchmaking. To speed up queue times they'd have to in turn sacrifice the overall quality of matches. With a SBMM (skill based matchmaking) system, that is risky as it can lead to some incredibly unfun matches for both sides.
If you play both sides, you can always play whichever side has the extra blood points incentive to keep your queue times as short as possible.
Edit: The symbol in the top right corner of your screen is actually not your rank but a grade. It has no influence on matchmaking as it is solely based on an invisible number called MMR, which is determined by kills, escapes and match time. The grade is more of a little achievement for players every month to get some extra BP.
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Did I complain about “useless” partners in this discussion?
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Better idea. Let us have an option to toggle Faster matchmaking that puts us with any skill level or Slower matchmaking that finds a much more balanced match with people of similar skill.
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its exactly what it is, i used to main killer but I haven't played a single killer game for atleast a month now. Survivor sucks as well but atleast it can be fun. Killer is never fun.
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Pretty much everyone has covered it.
You either get better matches and wait a little longer or you get faster matches where you will be playing with people that are newer or over matched by the killer.
You can see it as soon as you hit the main menu, one side is going to offer bonus blood points as there is a greater need for that role, cue up that side if you want to go quick.
There is no quick fix for this one, short of an influx of players and them having a good experience and deciding they want to remain in the game and learn the game and working to improve.
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I happen to be that type of person where I'd much rather wait 4-5min if it means I get a more balanced match. Win or lose..these matches that start within 30s to 1m are always so one sided...
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Yes they have. I think you also commented on it last week when you called me entitled but thanks again.
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I wasn’t demanding but thank you
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I agree, I was just saying how it will take too long and I can’t play enough as I want to within the amount of time I’m able to play. It is what it is though lol
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Thank you to everyone who explained matchmaking and rank in dbd to me! Much appreciated 😁
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This is absolutely the wrong take. Matchmaking needs to take even longer to get actual evenly skilled games instead of the current seesaw between 4k and 4 escapes every game because the algorithm tries to jam everyone in a game in 5 seconds with almost 0 regard to the already dubious MMR ranking they apply to players.
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Nothing would go wrong for the most skilled players to use the option to matched against average skill...
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I'm in Panama and matchmaking is pretty quick for me.
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Well if the devs can't think of a way to make it work than it is what it is. I mean it'd still be better than what its like now.. xD
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Yeah! From 10k hour players vs 1k hours players to 5k vs 10 hour players, perfect.
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Then when I get into a match, I’m paired up with people who clearly aren’t even close to my rank
Yes, you complained about getting matched with people of different rank.
But visible rank doesn't exist anymore and grades aren't any indicator for anything but playtime between each 13th of the month, so I guess you mean skill or their overall playtime.
Now if they make the matchmaking faster once again, you will end up with even worse teammates because at some point the matchmaking progress will have to be completely random to be fast or instant.
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Sounds a lot like now tbh..lmao. All joking aside. My idea still stands as better imo. Make us wait as long as it takes to balance out the numbers. Irdc either way.
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That's why I've been saying for 1000 years that casual and ranked matches are necessary, but BHVR doesn't listen to me at all.
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You’re totally right I guess that means I was complaining just calling the people “useless”. You should also learn the difference between complaining and simply someone just stating something. I’m not sure why some people on this forum love to comment on people’s post and be rude, but do you. You can tell when someone hasn’t played dbd a lot before or is new, so please take the attitude somewhere else.