The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

How would you feel about a 4th gen?

taah Member Posts: 28

What do you think about the idea of having a 4th gen in the endgame instead of 3? I haven't really thought about it but I want to hear what the community (both sides) think about this.


  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636
  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Nerf exit gates to 45 seconds and you have a deal. I'm all for ending 3 gen slogs if in exchange we can make end game an actual phase of the game instead of a formality.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 359

    I wouldn't mind something along the lines of having a couple of switches around the map. Each switch could transfer the progress or completion of one gen to another. Make it take a few seconds so it isn't instant and maybe make it so that killers can see/reverse the switches as well.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 429

    Honestly, on paper, it sounds like a good idea, but idk if it'd work. Maybe I wouldn't be against a 4th generator being added if it means it stops the 3-gen slog but as long as something was added for the end game. Maybe survivors need to find gears/parts to activate a totem to get the gates powered up before they could be opened? or maybe said final gen needs an extra "item" that only spawns when there is one gen left like it's a "special" end-game generator or something.

    Though realistically, I think the main problem is with the gen spawns themselves. As with hooks for the killer side, sometimes they spawn too close together, other times they're too far apart. It's an artificial difficulty, I get that, but some maps are just too predictable IMHO.

    So if the devs can somehow tweak the spawn rates, it might be better. idk, just spitballing ideas.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,197

    The 3 gen issue is mostly a pacing and spacing issue. You can only do so much with the spacing without adjusting map size or killing a killer's ability to defend the generators. They need to make some adjustments to gen placement, but nothing that drastic.

    A 4th gen is only balanced if it takes a substantial time investment by the survivors, but that doesn't solve the pacing issue of the problem. It takes too long to break many 3 gens unless the survivors have loadouts dedicated to it. This is not a counterpick game, so gen clusters have to be balanced enough to be broken in a reasonable amount of time. 20+ minutes is not reasonable, and that's a realistic timeframe for many 3 gen setups.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,705

    Back when Overbrine was common I felt that having 4 gens would have helped, but now its not a big deal especially being they've announced they want to rework to make tight 3 gens less common.

  • nodforkiss
    nodforkiss Member Posts: 160

    nah, there should be at least 10 gen in maps because killer shouldnt be able to 3gen. is that what you want? nerfing killers endgame?

  • Frogsplosion
    Frogsplosion Member Posts: 273

    90 seconds with trash slowdown is already killing the game, just not your side of it.

  • biggybiggybiggens
    biggybiggybiggens Member Posts: 659

    Sure just increase Generator time and you got a deal. :)

  • WingerSenpai
    WingerSenpai Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2023

    Make it a minute, have the slowest regression ever, and have them WAAAAYYYY more spaced than how they're generated now (seriously that's a problem imo) and it would be fine.

    PS.: left out: make gens 80 sec again.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    The way the game is now a 6th gen should be added as a condition to open the exits since by the time you start your first chase one gen is already gone.

    I'm all for having the game help prevent a 3-gen, but there needs to be a counter balance to it. Either gen repair times increase, all killers get some kind of basekit Ruin, kicking gens takes off double the current value + increased kicking speed, something.