Deathslinger - Galactic Bounty Hunter / Cyborg Skin When?

TheOneElric Member Posts: 68
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Deathslinger - Galactic Bounty Hunter / Cyborg Skin Idea


Now that we have established that sci-fi is suitable for DbD ( Singularity & upcoming Alien chapter ), how about we give the Deathslinger some ######### up galactic bounty hunter style skins.

Preferably with sound and harpoon changes ( Laser Leash or something ) , as unique skin, or, without, but in seperate parts.

You could either go for cyberpunk neon glowy stuff, weird H.R. Giger style suit ( Or maybe predator? )

I personally would LOVE an actually high-tech skin with a unique harpoon, but we have enough space-western style ideas and inspirations around to make a chain harpoon work in the context of the outfit: The Mandalorian, Firefly, ( DOOMGUY? ) maybe an outright alien, etc. - Here's some inspiration I found to point out what kind of styles I mean, copyright is owned by the respective artists:

Warning, the text editor won't let me easily spoilertag images, so it's quite the scroll )

Any of these ( Your teams own design inspired by them obviously ) would be an instabuy from me, no matter if shards or aura cells. Sadly I missed the community design contest, was in a bad place then, or I would have made an original design. I mean I still could, but I don't wanna put in the effort if it's pointless anyway. I'm a retired media designer who hasn't touched that stuff in ages, and I'm on disability retirement so energy for stuff like that is limited, BUT....

I mean now that we have sci-fi in the game, this is a no-brainer, right?


Please, PLEASE make at least ONE design with an actual helmet, or at least a broken helmet where you can only see evil eyes shine through a crack ( Like the aura cell release skin for the Singularity head )

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