A Detailed Score/Event Breakdown at the end of the match.

How would people feel about having a detailed score break down at the end of the match that every one could see?

It would show things like, time chased, gen time worked, saves, heals etc.

The reasoning behind the thought is that there are still times when unsung hero's in DbD still get grief because their Blood Points total, that can be seen by everyone, is low.

Yet if that person looped for 4 Gens then died with say 12kbp, and then the team collapsed and lost, the looper will sometimes be criticized as their BP might be the lowest amount on the end game screen, yet they clearly done their part.

This also applies for the unsung hero who spends the entire match completing 4 gens, as well as the person getting 9 unhooks and healing etc.

Seeing what team mates are doing in match is helpful for organization, but it doesn't fully address the blame game that can happen.

I am aware the emblem system shows to a degree how well an individual has done and helps them assess their game play for the match, but I feel having a score chart everyone can see will help team cohesion as well as self analyses.

I understand if someone has a bad game there will be players who give them hell for it and have the score chart to back up what they are saying up, but that is the nature of competitiveness in a team based scenario, whether it be DbD or a team playing Football, Baseball, Basketball and so on.

But those people will hopefully in time learn the difference between destroying the confidence of a team mate who they may have to team up with again; only now they are demoralized and playing worse, and using their perspective and experience to help who ever had a bad game so that the next time they are matched up, that team mate is now a better player and can do more to help the team.