I'm so happy right now

Not played DBD for about 4 weeks since stupid balance issues and perks like Made for this come along, and iv never been happier. its like BHVR have just forgotten how to make a fun game anymore and more just about making the game as soul-sucking unbalanced brain dead as possible

my advice, have a break from dbd for a bit till they sort it out and play something new for a while


  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,092

    I used to play every day for at least 2 hours. I'm playing once a week, now. Game has really been falling apart as of late. They used to try to balance the game evenly with some decent attempts (sometimes succeeding, sometimes not), but they are just blatantly pushing m1 killers into being unviable for some reason. It's like they want to focus their entire balance around nurse\blight\huntress only. All these nerfs to killers and buffs to survivors don't affect those 3 whatsoever, but it's absolutely gutting m1 killers.

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636
    edited August 2023

    I actually just came back from a year or so break and after a week of playing a few hours a night I'm already thinking of having another.

    The devs have done some great things for balance/overall health of the game, but playing killer right now is miserable.

    I faced three different 4-man squads in a row about an hour ago, all three of them using some combination of MFT, Buckle Up, For the People, and Unbreakable.

    Couple that with the amount of strong items appearing lately, bad maps (or even maps that I don't know yet, which isn't anybody's fault), and the absolute absurdity that is fast vaulting these days (I don't care — it's either overtuned or something else is going on; I should not miss a hit when I swing while the survivor is still on my side of the window because they get launched across the map) playing most killers is just not fun.