Terrible Hook spawns and Hooks destroying on sacrifice need to go

I can't tell you how many times I need to bleed someone out simply because there are NO HOOKS ANYWHERE NEAR an area. It's not fun for me, it's certainly not fun for them, them thinking I'm trying to make them suffer when I literally can't play the game because I sacrificed someone on a hook and that was the only hook for 10 miles.
That’s weird because hooks spawn within 20 meters of each other every time I play.
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I can legit see 2 other hooks from every hook I'm on in most matches these days.
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Yeah. Barring a few rare instances (2nd floor of Midwich) hook spawns are pretty generous.
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I'm so glad everything seems to work out for you.
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honestly the hook spawns are fine to me, but sometimes they do end up really close so some maps could have some fixing.
even as a survivor main, i do feel like hooks being destroyed permanently upon sacrifices is an outdated mechanic. i don’t really see any use of it besides punishing the killer for killing survivors.
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As a survivor, it's a massive annoyance I assure you.
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Allowing the killers to rebuild hooks would be possibly ok. It'd have to be long enough so that if multiple survivors are down they'd still have a chance to use unbreakable between hooks and such. If you have one or two survivors that just keep running to the same corner to wiggle out, it would fix that issue.
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Spawns with too many Hooks or too less Hooks in one area should not be a thing. But Hook Deadzones if the Killer decides to be super-dumb with Hooking should stay.
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I look at the hooks being destroyed on sacrifice similar to survs three-genning themselves.
Hooks are a resource to be managed too.
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Maybe add wiggling fatigue, basekit. When a survivor wiggles off the killer's shoulder they suffer a wiggle speed penalty for 60 seconds or until hooked. Stacks.
Survivors can still go down in corners to buy their team some time, just not an absurd amount of time. Meanwhile the killer can actually hook the final survivor instead of waiting for the 4 minute bleedout.
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Sacrificing 1 survivor = Killer being super-dumb with hooking??
The broken hooks from sacrifice are known to the survivors. They can see the broken hooks. Survivors can simply choose to run to the corner with a broken hook and get picked up by someone else later if the killer leaves them, and they can repeat this for as long as they have bleedout time to spare.
Imagine if finishing ONE gen, and it being the wrong gen, meant the killer could easily lockdown the remaining gens.
Sometime all it takes is bad RNG since hooks don't spawn near the basement, regardless of where the entrance is or how long it would take to get into the basement.
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"Sacrificing 1 survivor = Killer being super-dumb with hooking??"
If you go for the first Hook you see - yes. Killers are totally fine with going for other Hook when they reach a Scourge Hook, but suddenly it becomes impossible to use anything else than the nearest Hook when there is no Scourge Hook nearby?
When you play Killer you can easily go to 3 or 4 different Hooks when you pick up a Survivor. If you always pick up the nearest Hook and create a Deadzone, this is your own fault as Killer.
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110% this!!! Killers want all hooks to stay active no matter what, yet are quite happy to camp and sit on a 3 gen situation.
If survivors have to manage what gens need to be completed next, killers need to manage dead hooks.
RNG affects both roles and until survivors have a way to move unfinished gens to a new area, dead hooks need to stay in the game.
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My personal biggest issue with hooks spawns is how basement can completely screw you over as killer. No nearby hokks due to basement but realistically you cannot get the survivor in there. A good example of this is when it spawns in main building on eyrie. Hooks are usually alright otherwise though.
But I will say for us console killers you don't always get to choose which hook you go for. The wiggle effects feel harder for us to counter so I can't always risk walking to the hook I'd like to just in case I get stuck on a doorway or random piece of scenery.
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Imo they just need to get rid if basement all together at this point. Its a redundant feature now. No killers apart from camping insidious Bubbas use it anymore. It's a relic from when they basement hooks were the only ones you couldn't permanently destroy. Now all hooks respawn its a pointless area.
I cannot get on board with sacrificed hooks respawning though. With how prominent camping and tunnelling is and how often killers will gravitate round the same hook (because despite what many say carrying a survivor across the map without them getting off is not on the whole that difficult) and use it endlessly. We have seen a massive increase in killers using their 'most efficient playstyle' lately which has resulted in making matches stale and we don't need to add another factor like that in.
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To that I'd argue us console killers are much more affected by Boil Over sways. Those will limit which hook is chosen, if you can even make it to a hook in some tight spots.
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I totally agree here, it's not like it's any sort of outplay that the survivor got downed away from hooks it's just rng
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and what if survivor "comp corners" you before dying and you have only 1 hook, that you're able to reach? You shouldn't hook him so you don't lose that one hook?
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I mean, usually you will still reach a Hook.
But even if not, there is 0 issue with keeping someone slugged who runs into a corner. It is the same amount of map pressure - one person not on a Gen (the one slugged in the corner) and at least one person going for the pickup.
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Another big issue is there's no or few hooks when basement is nearby.
Because of this, Eyrie of Crow has terrible hook spots when basement is in main building.
Basement hooks shouldn't cause scarce hooks problem.
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Really? I can’t remember the last time I wiggled off from the killer there are hooks everywhere and killers Get an eternity to get the survivor there.
Sounds like you broke a hook that you shouldn’t have in a very specific area. I see no issues if anything I think survivors could use a buf in this area. Meaning killers get less time to carry the survivors.
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When there are literal hook dead zones on some maps, I'd argue that this is a poor excuse.
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Which I also addressed in my first post. Areas with too few Hooks or too many Hooks should clearly be addressed.
But if the Killer messes up, it is on them.
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Why should we penalize survivors for the killer playing poorly?
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When there is exactly 1 hook in the area, is that on the killer or is that something that should be addressed as well? Because these things happen. More often than you'd think.
I'm all for reducing the number of spots with 10 hooks in such close proximity that the survivors on them could make out with each other but for that they'd have to look at every map and even look at hook offerings.
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I typically end up being hook neighbours with someone, that's how close hooks are to each other. If anything, I think we could extend the distance between hooks by about 4 meters.
Hook deadzones should be fixed, but hooks breaking on sacrifice should stay. It's up to you as killer to manage your hooks.