How often are you accused of cheating using Perk: Basic Human Deduction?

MDRSan Member Posts: 298

Just had a match where I got accused of cheating in the end game chat because I managed to figure out a survivor was in the only locker they could have possibly been in.

It was down to 2 survivors and the Laurie pointed out that the Gabe was in shack from a little way away. I went over to shack, saw the gen had progressed since last I was there, saw no scratch marks so I proceeded to check the lockers. An alarm clock had spawned in shack which bugged one of the lockers to where I couldn't search it. Eventually the Laurie had come over (still pointing) and I was trying to show her the locker was bugged (was curious if survivors could interact with it and just not the killer) when the Gabe hopped out allowing me to grab him.

I thought she was trying to farm so I figured I'd go easy on them and let her unhook but she just stood there. After I saw she was just ratting out a teammate I hooked her too of course, because snitches get stitches.

I saved the gameplay footage just in case I need proof nothing hinky was going on (+ to submit a bug about the locker) but I was dumbfounded by how the Gabe could think I was cheating with some aura thing. Even if the locker wasn't bugged and I was full of bologna, the Laurie was right there pointing at him and he had to have seen me checking the other locker. I mean, really dude? Distortion hides auras, it doesn't disable basic reasoning for the killer.


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,329
    edited August 2023

    Yeah it happens a lot. As well as getting accused of stream sniping if they happen to be streaming.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,580

    The smarter you play, the more people hate you for it.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,853

    They always hide in shack. And then are so confused about why killers check there first. If I ever need to hide I'll pick some random locker in the middle of nowhere.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,434

    Rarely get called out for cheating, even with iri tag.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,682

    I’ve had a few people accuse me of hacking because I noticed a crow fly off.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    To be fair the perk BHD is kinda busted. Not many people have acces to that perk

  • Iudex_Nemesis
    Iudex_Nemesis Member Posts: 326

    Once and was I playing doctor.

  • AsheruSwiftwind
    AsheruSwiftwind Member Posts: 156

    I get it all the time cause I check lockers when I see no one around and a Gen thats been worked on when I kick it with No Where to Hide. But you know clearly I'm cheating. Heck yesterday I was told I was getting reported for killing the survivor and he was going to report my twitch channel as well... What for cause I did my job as killer and killed you in a video game?

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,366

    Basic Human Deduction is pretty overpowered. Maybe they should nerf it. Saw a Meg the other day with BBQ and found her on a gen that was way too progressed for her to be working alone on it. I couldn't find any scratch marks, so I checked behind the nearest rock and found the Adam. Who had Distortion. He later went on about how I had cheated because there was no way I could have known he was there.

    I guess I deserve my inevitable ban for using something so broken as Basic Human Deduction.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 684

    I got reported yesterday for tunneling and trying to ruin a Twitchies game because I found them first and chased them for "the whole match." I chased them for like, the first few minutes cause I was running a Brutal Strength Clown and they kept throwing pallets on the Game. Hell yea Im gonna keep chasing you if you're eating up your teams resources like Im gonna eat that finger

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,944

    The most fun ones are the games where I do really well and end up killing 3, giving the last one hatch, and then they are all over me in the EGC "Nice wallhacks" and then they notice that my build is, indeed, sanctioned wallhacks, like IamAllEars, NowhereToHide and AwakenedAwareness and then they went all "Oh ... sorry about that" :D

    In this meta my gen regression is pure aggression. I try to always be in the survivors face, always get some new info and starting a new chase or quickly ending another one. Builds like this can fall flat pretty hard if you blunder big time in a chase, but if you keep the ball rolling, you keep it rolling hard and might get accused of cheating: the most honest form of flattery this game has to offer.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,213

    Yeah, happens. You play doctor, you come to a gen whats nearly done, you blast (no response) so you check the only locker, and get called a cheater for finding him.

    Also, you run bbq, and see someone enter a locker, you get over, and they are still there...still a cheater.

    However, to be fair, survivors are very consistant with that, for example:

    You see someone with bbq, go to the other side of the map, start a chase, follow them all the way back to the hook, and get called a camper.

    Killers just develop more game sense, and survivor only players just can´t understand it.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 660

    BHD has good synergy with Hex: Has Eyes And Ears, but survivors think that’s even more unfair.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,552

    I play on ps4. so no end game chat.

    it happens very rarely when someone bothers sending a message on the ps4.

    HA! nice