That new Otz video...

If you didn't see it, here it is:
He had a miserable time. We should nerf pig.
I hate clown too
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Yeah, playing killer right now is pretty miserable. At least if you favor the weaker ones, like I do.
I long for the days where I can play a build that isn't 4 regression perks and not go into it knowing I'll lose LOL
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Honesty, imo, Health makes the game balanced, but not fun. May be a hot take, but I had more fun in the way earlier versions of the game.
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Well played. I'm curious though to if switching to a piss bottle would have done anything to change the outcome on some loops.
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Ohh for the love of.....
Leave my Amanda Panda alone she's had enough!! 😜🤪
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Otz admitted that he had multiple mistakes and that he def could've played better.
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Is that how many hours Otz has? (I'm actually asking)
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I see that, I'm just genuinely curious if the piss would have been a possibility. He didn't mention anything about it and I don't play clown enough to know.
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Maybe...the clown strats seem to be pretty deep (though he was on random perk, and on game, so)
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Amanda had enough. It's time to further nerf Freddy. The nightmare has been over performing as of late.
Jokes aside, I'm so sick of content creators saying : "this is so unfun to go against, just to do the same thing two hours later and having a blast in a 4man swf".
Are these perks unfun to go against?
Could he have played way better this match?
If someone wants to give prove that these perks are unfun to go against, show a game where the killer didn't make that many mistakes and the survivors put them in actuall unfair situations.
To conclude: he made mistakes, the survivors used these mistakes to their advantage and he didn't like it.
Nothing new.
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After countless wins, he lost one. This video proves how busted survivors are! Let's nerf survivor to even under ground.
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I mean to be fair, the map was awful and the build was trash.
I know that it shows that casual gameplay is hard nowadays, but at the same time I don't think you should expect to win with that.
Clown can be a pretty good killer with the right addons and perks combinations, but yeah, I agree on the fact that it is a bit of a sweatfest recently.
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I'm sure he has plenty of other videos where he steamrolls as Clown. He's not gonna win every game.
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No, the video shows good usage of survivor perks when the killer makes many mistakes on a hard map.
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Not good enough. I still think 3 out of 4 survivors should start the trial hooked and in 2nd phase for optimal balance.
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On similar skill levels, survivors will always win. Its only when there is a skill difference, when killers stomp survivors.
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Who cares? This is one person's sole experience out of how many countless others?
Not everyone feels the need to make a video of a match and talk about it. I did this for FFXIV and people started taking my experiences and word for gospel, like a cult. Nope. Not doing that stuff.
Think for yourself and go by your own experiences. You'll be amazed at what it can do.
My friend has more hours than 10K and she plays Hag amazingly well. We talk about our games to each other and that's about it. 🤷
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Ah well, Otz not winning 1 out of 100 games. Guess make a forum thread about it, because it clearly shows that playing Killer is miserable.
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It's really funny to see when a content creator's preferential matchmaking lets a good team slip in and everyone can see the reality of balancing in DBD.
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Ah yes. First people claim that Otz is lowering his MMR off-stream, because he does not get strong opponents all the time. And at this point people realized that it is dumb to think this, now it is "content creators preferential matchmaking"...
Do you have a reliable source for this? Just a hint - a reliable source is not a Youtube-Video or Reddit-Thread from a random person.
The truth is that even people who are at very high MMR dont get strong Survivors all the time...
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And note, that Otz went against very coordinated survivors with top-tier perks, doing random perk streak on not very strong killer. And on not the easiest map for clown. And still he was doing pretty fine, 6 hooks. If not some mistakes that throwed him back a lot, he could still beat them.
But yeah, let's nerf survivors (solos, of course)
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to be fair, OTZ played terribly that match. He made many mistakes at the start that costed him time. Gens weren’t monitored and downs weren’t fast enough. Survivors in OCE servers play coordinated like this in majority of games.
makes sense that he got dumped on as his early game wasn’t great. More pallets should’ve been broken as well.
completely normal game imo
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But yes, further to my comment I think m1 killers should have different map variations in maps like these
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Nothing about balancing this match. He made a lot of mistakes. He even mentiones it in the annotations. Survivors used their perks well and took advantage of his mistakes. Thats it.
The only thing one could say about balanicng here is that he played clown on the game. But even there you could say that clown is better on that map than others so.....
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I was wondering half way through why he chose this footage to be edited into it's own video. He's not having a good time so it's not that enjoyable to watch.
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clown in general is not fun to play even with your own meta build. i never understood why otz said gideon is strong and fun map for killer. against good teams, it is polar opposite. it is unfun and hyper powerful looping map for survivor. you take any bad choices on that map vs good teams and you lose. I have experienced that moment in the video on that map many times.
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Thats the point i guess, hes not having fun. Therefore the person watching it is supposed to feel the same.
I just dont get what he wants to achieve with it. Rally up people against these perks when he clearly made mistakes this match?
At that point i would like it more for him to make one of his hour - long videos and explain why these perks are unfun in his opinion.
But again. That would just be HIS opinion.
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I wonder if any of these commenters watched at least some of that video.
Probably not, too busy to write Us vs Them stuff or just hating streamer for some personal reasons lol
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I saw that video earlier and it felt like it didn't live up to the title at all.
It was a close game. He made some plays that didn't work out. Some could be called mistakes, some were guesses on what he thought the survivors would do. That's how games work.
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im not surprised. overbuffed vaults, mft (a broken perk) and multiple other perks that just continue to give survivors endurance.
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Players bringing up winning is the exact reason why this game is in such a terrible state now. It is about the experience that was had and I see a bunch of ppl saying how he was making mistakes or he wins all the time in quick play mode.
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Content creators are usually held up on a pedestal. So a video like this makes him relatable to average players. It gets people talking (like everyone here is doing) which gets him click$. Win win.
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I prefer to watch Spoopypoops. That guy has such amazing energy.
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It's a good start, but the 4th survivor should probably be slugged...
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You have a Freddy profile picture, therefore your suggestion is asolutely valid and should be implemented immediately.
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Nerf Freddy plz.
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You people are missing the point as far as I can tell. It's not about Otz losing one match, I am sure this isn't the only match he lost during one of his streams, it's more about how miserable it can feel to lose matches like this on certain maps like The Game for example.
And to be fair, both sides have this problem, where losses can feel cheap and miserable.
Also, at least for me, killer queues are instant at the moment, survivor queues aren't. And I doubt this has still something to do with Nicolas Cage.
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M1 killer is pretty rough with MFT and Buckle Up/FTP etc all being strong with SWF's at present.
This map was rough for M1 killers before this and especially Clown whose counter includes pre-dropping, which isn't much of an issue for survivors on this map.
I don't understand why BHVR made Buckle Up so strong and I feel that not every perk should actually be strong
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Yeah I catch his streams every now and then (assuming you're talking about Spookyloops lol I think we can name them as long as we aren't saying negative things or outright advertising for them)
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I respect someone who can maintain that kind of energy for an extended period of time. I can't lmao. It's definitely the kind of vibes I'm looking for when I jump on YT for some escapism. I tried watching some other streamers, but they got aggro so much it put me off.
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It's funny how this is mentioned but people conveniently ignore Hens and other high level killer mains winning 104/113 games using no power, no slugging, no camping, and no tunneling. All with nothing but an M1. I guess people see what they want to see.
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You will be shocked, i am getting more miserable matches when i play survivor. Sure , sometimes playing killer feels bad too but it's not happening so much like when i am playing survivor.
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and you apparently ignore when they say these happen because of a skill gap between them and the survivors?
you get easy and hard games...
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Lots of people very eager to miss the point here.
The problem here is not that he lost the game. It's that stacked Haste perks are miserable to play against (particularly for the weakest killers) and the existence of multiple Endurance perks with similar effects is confusing (especially for new players) and far too strong when used in coordination.
It doesn't seem like anybody actually has a reason why these issues should remain unaddressed.
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He gets 3-4k 95% of the time, then he lose once against a good team, he's using a troll build and he still did pretty good btw. Comments are weird are survivors even allowed to escape ? take any other game with 2 teams and you don't win 100% of the time, even if you're the best player in the world you will still lose a lot it's called game balance
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DBD is a game that resists logic sometimes and folks are very used to content creators winning so much that losses seem extraordinary.
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But people should take a step back and think a bit, how many times they really lose vs how many times they get 3-4ks, constant crying for nerf when killer is already in a good spot is not that useful, keep nerfing solo q and it's borderline unplayable at this point
I can make a lot of videos about broken things on killer side, broken add ons and cheap tactics that guarantees wins or 2k+
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Don't forget this is also the same guy who won 50 games in a row on Clown, did an all killers perkless (add-on less?) afk 30s challenge and got over an 80% win rate, among more challenges. One bad match is just that, one bad match. Don't hyperfocus on the leaf of a tree that escaped in order to ignore the entire forest that you chopped down en route.
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That's great. But for some people, it's the other way around. People can have experiences that differ from yours.
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Yeah I too would think this game is miserable if I had to play clown for more than 5 minutes.