After 2 nerfs, the IEMs is still too strong against the Singularity.


Always as powerful on the Singularity. After two consecutive nerfs, the killer can just barely ever use his m2. Loading time too long when it targets a target, not even a hit guarantee when it is tp.

In fact, I think the best trade-off at this point would be that the IEMs could disable the cams, but not remove the infection.

Reducing the load time of a cam when it targets a player a second time seems fine to me. I only see that, because in the current state of things, it's just not viable.

You need to do something BHVR.


  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 911


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,244

    Singularity is already very powerful. The problem with it is, that the skill floor is insanely high - making it super hard to pick up (and do OK). However when you decide to invest in getting good with this killer, then he is very oppressive as is. Considering you know what you are doing (and are in outside & open map), there are very few things survivors can do to stand a chance. IMPs included (good singularity can consistently infect you within like 5s in every loop on open map).

    In the end - the only buff that singularity needs are QOL improvements that make the killer easier to play/orient, but not make him stronger overall in any way. The killer is already solid A tier - he's just too damn hard to learn/play for people to pick him up.