Killer perks that give out statuses should show if they are working..


I saw someone mention this, and a lot of people were like, "So you will just use it to tunnel," but.. honestly, I can actually see this making the worse killer perks better because there are just so many perks that apply stuff onto the survivors, but you just never know if its actually in play or not.. like making it show what survivors are being affected by what statuses and etc. would actually make a lot of garbage perks that you never know are actually working way better.. :/

Like even just a score event or smtg would help so much if people are afraid it would be used for tunneling. I feel like the lack of information keeps these perks in the garbage can, and I don't think telling you when the perk is working is that bad either. Not everyone is a human calculator with a spreadsheet nearby to know when a certain perk is working. 💀

Maybe then perks like septic touch and overwhelming presence would actually be decent and not only usable on gimmick builds if you could actually utilize them as information perks since clearly, as they are now, they are just not even good. If you don't even give the information they are working, then at least rework them so they are actually functioning.