I really want a Left 4 Dead killer so I made one :D
Killer Paragraph Concept
Dead by Daylight - One Bad Tank (Left 4 Dead)
New Killer - The Tank
Killer description : The Tank is a special mutation of the green flu virus, it's bodies muscles growing well over their normal size and petrifying almost like armor. It's legs and head didn't seem to grow however ~ Scattered CEDA Reports
SPECIAL ATTACK : Infected Strength
Press the Power button to cease moving and rip a boulder from the ground. You will then carry this boulder giving you hindered while carrying this boulder you can throw or drop it. Throwing at a pallet or wall will destroy them, throwing it at a survivor will injure them. Getting close (Tombstone Myers close) to a survivor and throwing it will put them immediately into the dying state.
SPECIAL ATTACK : Infected Grab
Injuring survivors by any means fills a bar at the bottom left of the screen. Injuring fills up 25% of the bar while downing fills up 15%. Once the bar is full approach a survivor (same range as tombstone Myers) and press the Power button to grab the survivor. This will initiate a mini game similar to wiggling on the shoulder. If successful the survivor is dropped and still at the health state they were left at. While being carried The Tank can throw survivors. Hitting anything causes the survivor to lose a health state, hitting another survivor causes both survivors to lose health states.
Two Special Infected Boomers roam the map with the tank randomly. If spotting a survivor the boomer will attempt to approach. When close enough they will do an AoE vomit attack. This attack if successful will blur the survivors vision and notify the killer of their location
Boomers can be destroyed by pallets or the tank to fill 10% of his bar. They can be blinded by flashlights.
Destroying a boomer causes it to explode, anyone in the radius including the Tank is affected by the blur and revealing effect (so if a tank is hit it reveals it's location to survivors) the blur and reveal effect dissipates over the course of 8 seconds.
Perk 1 : Meathead - countless trials has put your body in peak shape - 20/25/30% faster cooldown on special attacks, if this doesn't apply for your killer you are instead given a 10% faster vault and pallet break speed. This stat does not increase with levels.
With no influence at all, it's body seems to be growing ~ CEDA
Perk 2 : Quick Temper - Survivors can get to you quickly. - When blinded or stunned by any means gain 1 charge of Quick Temper. the next pallet, wall, or generator is broken 50/60/70% faster. This perk is then turned off till gaining another charge.
Once upset nothing seems to calm it down except mindless destruction ~ CEDA
Perk 3 : Destructive Properties - the thought of prey leaving enrages you. - when survivors reach 1 final generator this perk activates. While active generator regression is increased 300% slowly decreasing to 125/135/145% speed as the match continues. Once the last generator is complete the killer can approach 1 finished generator and kick it. This will set it to 99%. The perk will then deactivate permanently. The killer can not kick any generators after kicking the finished generator (so basically there's a random generator set at 99% they have to find. The killer can't kick the gen to make it go lower than 99%) the perk will deactivate No One Escapes Death until the 99% generator is finished
When we all returned, the glass was broken and the facility was destroyed. Everyone is dead. ~ CEDA Note
I made this on discord and just copied over. So my cosmetics got deleted for "spam" so I just took screenshots from the message. So I'll attach those if you want to look at them. Enjoy! And if concepts aren't allowed here sorry. But I seriously think Left 4 Dead should have gotten a killer
2nd note
Apparently I don't have permission so. No cosmetics
It sounds cool, great passion. For lore flavour I'd probably go for a more unique Tank, as in "there's something special about this one...", a variant that retains more intelligence or something.
Regards to powers, I actually think you've been a little too conservative...
Infected Strength
It feels like this is something that would have a long wind up. I think of the game and you have to sit still for a couple of seconds to pull up a boulder... thats an age in DbD.
I'd have this as a contender high risk for potentially high reward. If you're Hindered while carrying it (as you should be), it won't be like Huntress where you carry the iri in your hand then wait for a locked animation, quickly pull up a shot and go for the down. This seems a stop in place for 1 Hail Mary throw that will only work in open spaces (even if you make it large, close range loops will slaughter you).
I'd make it a large shattering projectile but have a long wind up as you pull the boulder out of the ground. If you get a direct hit, it's an instant down, if it's a shatter hit, it only wounds. This means you could hit the top of a low loop like in Autohaven and have it shatter around the loop to give some anti loop.
Infected Grab
I dont think this needs a charge tbh... I'd just have this as an ability to throw carried survivors. Give it a wiggle progress cost about the same as carrying them the same distance would be.
Throwing them will breaks gens, break dropped pallets snd walls, and will wound struck teammates. The cost is you have to pick up again, potentially allowing flash saves.
Pretty much fine tbh. No worries here.
Amusingly you went the other way for the perks, these are pretty ridonkulously strong. 😆
Meathead - There are so many Killers this becomes really nasty on; Nurse, Blight, Wesker, Artist... I'd actually put Quick Tempter here as itvstill fors thematically, or I'd go with something like "when in bloodlust, you break walls, pallets and gens 20/30/40% faster. This increases by and additonal 5% perk additional tier of blood lust". Considering you lose bloodlust doing these things, this seems a fair trade off.
Quick Temper - The afformentioned change messes with this one. This killers power I feel is heavily restricted in indoor or high wall heavy maps, he'll struggle greatly and need help in his basic chase. I'd be tempted for something like "After breaking a wall or pallet, for the next 5 seconds you charge bloodlust 50% faster" or some equivalent.
Destructive Properties - You'd struggle to sell undoing a gen of your choosing to any Survivor, even if its a once use only and requiring a 1 tap, the fact you can camp that single gen in your own chosen 3 gen setup is really strong... snd you habe to be wary of gen regression perks in general in a 3 gen setup. This'd be one of those perks that really make it super hard to balance the regression values... because you are always gonna be on a knife edge between having the perk be kinda useless or absolutely busted.
I'd be tempted to go with something like "Every 10 uninterrupted seconds you are not in chase you gain a token up to a maximum of 6. This effect disables for 10s seconds when you down a survivor or kick a generator. For every token you gain a 3% instant regression when you kick a generator". This about half the potential strength of PGTW, as you gain it passively and can store it without actually having to achieve anything, but it does mean if your struggling to find survivors, you're building a benefit.
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Appreciate the criticisms and thoughts. I like how I made it though. The only criticisms I have with your criticism is Meathead is half joke half serious, when I made it I basically thought like "Vigil but for killers" and thought it be kinda cool.