Leon players vs Rebecca players

Who is more likely to annoy you?
Leons are babies and Rebecca's usually too, but I've had way more Rebecca's bring the killer to me and throw the game despite Leons only lasting like 15 seconds in chase.
Ada rules on the other hand 😎(at least when I play her)
I've had a lot of default Leons sandbag, grief, and team up with the killer. Rebecca is more likely to just be useless.
Worst Leon I remember threw pallets down on top of injured teammates while they were being chased, getting them killed, then when it was just me and him left the killer found him around the edge of the map crouching at my Visceral Canker doing nothing. Leon and the killer came to the gen I was working on and killed me and Leon was given the hatch.
"Annoyed" isn't the right word for how I feel about default Leons.
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I actually had a similar experience in RPD once with Leon. Leon was juicing Nurse and me and the others doing gens. At some point we completed the gens and I'm heading to the exit gate where Leon also is at and he would body block me (it's the one at the back where you have to cross the narrow door frame so Nurse would kill me, although I probably unhooked him and even did the gens. Somehow I escaped Nurse and actually made it out alive, just don't get those players who want to get their teammates killed.
Rebecca's just do those mistakes that can throw the game or worsen a situation that is already bad. Had a Rebecca today on Ormond who brought the killer to me while I was healing, was healthy at some point and she would not start our last gen etc. And other times I've had Rebecca's with Bond bringing the killer to me as soon as they are spotted by him while I'm working on my first gen :(
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Leon players seem to be much worse. I've had some bad ass Rebecca players on my team and on the Survivor team against me many times. Leons though?... They do nothing special that I'm aware of. I feel most people that pick Leon just see the character from that RE game they like and pick him up. That's it. Nothing wrong with that, but it shows in game. Leon's seem to be brand new most of the time.
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My experience has been the opposite actually. I've seen more Leons than Rebecca's who are decent/good in a chase (mind you I can only recall 2-3) but maybe it's also because I see a lot more Leons than Rebecca's in general. Some Rebecca's can be incredibly altruistic though.
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The adas i get are terrible teammates. The best players are the jills😎
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Never seen a single good Leon. No lie. Leon is the first Survivor I hear scream if he's in the group. First scream, first hook, first d/c, first missed skill check.. You name it, the Leon's near me do it.. xD
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I don't think I've ever come across cracked Jills tbh, Ada's though can give up fast though and suicide. I think Ada has the biggest occurance for that behavior.
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Leons are garbage
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a good leon is a myth, but there are really good rebeccas so it's leon easily
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Leon has head empty himbo energy.
Rebecca is that teammate that really does wanna help but it just goes catastrophic somehow every single time.
I don't really get annoyed by either at least not on the level Meg, Mikaela, Nea often do. I guess I'd say Leon cuz Rebecca's always seem to be really nice from my experience even when they mess up.
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The Leon babies are cute and must live at all cost, they're the same level as the Dwight babies
Rebecca's on the other hand, they're like the Ada's; always getting me killed
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rebecca for sure. not cause of the player playing her i just hate her character in game. those sounds she makes gives me a headace so if i hit you on hook its not personal.
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As a Leon main I go either bad or great. I never really see myself be good. Must be a curse.
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I've not had issue with either of them. Bills are usually the ones that get me. Every Bill player is either a god or has 12 hours in the game and there is no middle ground whatsoever.
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In my experience Leons are usually the worst of the two.