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Tome challenge: IT ALL LEADS HERE, typo?

darkshadows8326 Member Posts: 410
edited August 2023 in Bug Reporting

I think there is a typo with the tome challenge. it says to reunite with 2 injured survivors AND heal them for a total of 100 HEALTH STATES in a single trial. I don't think it is physically possible to heal survivors 100 times in a single public match from downed to injured or from injured to healthy. The only way this would be possible is through farming and that is why I think this is a typo.

Post edited by EQWashu on
1 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated

For the It All Leads Here challenge in the current Tome, it should read "1 health state" instead of "100 health states". We will be amending the description in a future patch.


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