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Is the pig a fun killer?

I have asked before if the saw chapter was worth it and if the pig was a good killer and answers were don't get it. Now I realize that fun and good killers are two different things.

Any advice is appreciated.


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  • Member Posts: 6,128

    I say try her, maybe next time there's a sale on. She may be considered a weaker killer but as you said, there's a difference between being good and being fun. You might find her fun to play as.

  • Member Posts: 605

    Well... if you like the Saw-Franchise, you will like the lore and the killer itself.

    Just keep in mind that the Pig is not the best killer in the game. Piggy is an M1-Killer, but she has a very good Slowdown-Mechanic with the Reverse Beartraps.

    I was a Pig-Main at the beginning of my days at DBD in 2021 and I still enjoy playing her. Its always a fun experience when a crazy ambush actually hits (I do recommend some CMWinter-Vods on Youtube which are Ambush-only... maybe he is not the most loved streamer, but his ambush-videos (3 parts) are definitely a help on which locations you can do a lot with this Ability.

    Also Piggy has some nice addons for various playstyles, for example Amandas Letter / Johns Medical File on Indoor-Maps for Wallhacks. You can go for Headpops with Tampered Timer and Crate of Gears, you could try to place 6 traps with two addons, you have something to make your ambush more enjoyable etc.

    Overall a very decent M1-Killer with some fun-aspects. Go for it!

  • Member Posts: 941

    While ""fun"" its subjetive.

    I dont think pig is in an awesome spot. You can enjoy it of course.

    But if you dont have an Stealth killer and you want to try, i guess its ok. (I enjoy ghostface more in this regard).

  • Member Posts: 1,298
    edited August 2023

    not really, she's a boring m1 killer with an uninteresting slowdown mechanic from the killers end and a very weak stealth power. unless that exact combo sounds good to you there are killers who have similar gameplay on both parts of her power but just better is literally everyway. If you just want a built in slowdown m1 killer, pinhead is a good choice. if you want to use the stealth and attack part of her power, wraith is 1000% better.

    Also her perks are very bad outside of a handful of killer who can use make your choice

  • Member Posts: 1,393
    edited August 2023

    How good is your "Map sense", understanding where players likely will be?

    • You want to be able to have good map sense and utilize her crouch Undetectable a bit, especially at the start, to get the drop on Survivors and get in a stealth hit before chasing, otherwise that first down will be a pain. But you do move slower, so going to the wrong spot penalizes you more.

    Are you fine with having Perks be your chase power more often than not?

    • Her Ambush can be used to push Survivors out of a loop, but only hit good survivors in certain loops.

    Are you fine with dealing with a lot of pallets/loops in a match?

    • Her RBT's provide quite a bit of slowdown, but this means she's going to be doing a lot of M1 Killer stuff if not getting lucky with Survivors running you towards Survivors with RBT's to down them (or you scouting out an RBT'ed survivor)

    She doesn't have a great chase Power, but when it comes to leveraging map sense and chase fundamentals she's good. Does get a little dumpstered at higher MMR if players pre-run and really extend that first chase preventing you from getting an RBT on early, be it through comms, Pallet dense maps with players that pre-drop, or a map with huge sightlines.

    I don't use her addons much, so can't really comment on them.

    But I do like playing Pig. When the slowdown gets on early the game doesn't feel like it moves too fast. But if I don't, then it does.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Many won't agree, but I like playing her very much.

    Built in slowdown + stealth. Very simple killer, which is great.

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    Depends on what you think is fun.

    She's mostly a m1 killer with stealth (ignoring the dash) and a slightly rng slowdown. Her add ons do allow for a strange amount of variety in what they do.

    We enjoy causing random chaos with her, especially in the end game (best killer to open doors) and if you do want to play her, our best advice is don't chase a survivor with an active trap.

  • Member Posts: 302

    You should always try a character out for yourself. Licensed character cost like 4-5 bucks so if you end up not liking them not a huge deal. I have always liked Pig and do very well with her. I also don't judge off strength as matchmaking is so bad you can win with any killer. Sure if you get a good team you can struggle but trust me they are rare.

    Again it's fine to ask about a killer but your opinion carries the most weight. Just try her.

  • Member Posts: 2,501

    I think she is a fun and awesome killer to play.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Built in slowdown, and probably the best passive slowdown of any killer besides maybe Pinhead, so you can afford to be a bit more liberal with your perk load out.

    She has probably the best stealth mechanic in the game. Can be activated/deactivated on demand, makes you less visible by reducing your height, can't be deactivated by survivors, and doesn't come with a Lullaby. Only real drawback is the reduced movement speed, but she's not very add-on dependant outside of this, so you can afford to use her crouch related add-ons, which are brown.

    Her Ambush isn't strong, you won't want to use it at most loops, but it is fun to use, particularly from a stealth vantage. It also comes with the ability to roar on demand, so much like Ghostfaces teabags, you can emote back at survivors with a derranged 'laugh'.

    As long as you can have fun playing M1 killers, I think she's very fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    I am a Pig main, so I'd say she's very fun. My two favorite things to do is run what I jokingly call my "Perkless Pig" build where I bring only end game perks (Blood Warden, No Way Out, Remember Me, Terminus) and then try to get a 4K before the last generator is completed and the perks activate. I call it "perkless pig" because like a tree falling in the forest, if the perks don't get used, did you bring them?

    Then the second I got the idea from YouTuber SkyFaction. It's insanely funny, most survivors are good sports, but you do occasionally get those that are salty about it. Just say GL your next games to them and move on.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    If you find M1 killers fun then I guess she is?

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