Why do killers dc at Bloodhunt?

In my last 6 games 5 times the killer dc ing. In every game where two BPS active.
I cant understand this...

Best Answer


  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    They're intentionally DCing because they want to derank.

  • DaniDa85
    DaniDa85 Member Posts: 27
    Cmon with 2 or 3 BPS active they can earn a large amount of BP. I had deranked before the Bloodhunt thats fair enough would i say
  • DaniDa85
    DaniDa85 Member Posts: 27
    @Master i agree with this. Its time to punish this eventually would this minimize dc ing from game
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Some people rather DC and pretend that that match never happened than simply get their bps.
  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @DaniDa85 said:
    In my last 6 games 5 times the killer dc ing. In every game where two BPS active.
    I cant understand this...

    well if im being tunneled the whole game i will just dc if you dont leave me since i will get more BP then if i just stayed in the game getting chased not getting altrusim, objective, and survival points considering they usually have NOED which screws me over in the end

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Just had all 4 survivors ragequit...... noice

  • Beverly
    Beverly Member Posts: 184

    2 party streamers, survivor pudding, bound envelope, and escape cake. Killer disconnects during loading screen. Why are people like this?

  • Luc_ius
    Luc_ius Member Posts: 155

    I was wondering why the killers dc after the offerings burn. I always thought it's because they see someone with prestige or etc. But now I see, the offerings. That's so crappy of them.

  • MysterTal
    MysterTal Member Posts: 157

    @Beverly said:
    2 party streamers, survivor pudding, bound envelope, and escape cake. Killer disconnects during loading screen. Why are people like this?

    It sucks when people DC and yes, there's quite a few players out there who DC to derank or ragequit in the middle of a match - but there's also people behind the keyboards and sometimes a player might need to leave for reasons outside of the game.

    Teenagers might be getting called away by their parents, adults might be getting called away by their spouses, they might suddenly really really need to go to the bathroom, the bank might be calling, their brother suddenly asks them to come help them with something, a giant spider might just have scuttled on the wall next to their computer, the dog might have gotten to some tasty paperwork and they now need to chase it and get it to give it up before it shreds something important and also requires a trip to the vet, boyfriend/spouse in the army finally got a signal and managed to call and they need to take the call now, their net literally crashed, DBD literally crashed on them, some other thing might have just happened...

    Sometimes DC's happen, sometimes people just need to leave the computer now.
    Don't always assume a troll or salty player is just being a buzzkill.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Beverly said:
    2 party streamers, survivor pudding, bound envelope, and escape cake. Killer disconnects during loading screen. Why are people like this?

    I mean if there is a survivor pudding, killer most probably didn't want to disconnect. Most probably his game crashed or something.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    @Beverly said:
    2 party streamers, survivor pudding, bound envelope, and escape cake. Killer disconnects during loading screen. Why are people like this?

    Pretty sure that's just the game crashing or a bug with loading in its on their bug reports. It was the reason they had to take down mount ormond. I had this happen to me as killer where i could not load in. I was obviously very furious but get behavioured right?

  • KwwB
    KwwB Member Posts: 75

    Since the Winter Solstice event I've crashed way more than I ever have on PC. Three times JUST TODAY out of around 10 matches. This is on PC. I don't know what's up but it is really annoying. Every time it's a crash upon loading the game after the lobby countdown.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,761

    @KwwB said:
    Since the Winter Solstice event I've crashed way more than I ever have on PC. Three times JUST TODAY out of around 10 matches. This is on PC. I don't know what's up but it is really annoying. Every time it's a crash upon loading the game after the lobby countdown.

    The best part is that when you do actually get to connect to a game, you get either 4 instaheals as killer, or an ebony mori as survivor, since both are just pouring out of the bloodwebs right now.