Please speak up on MMR

It's simply not working. It's not even random, it feels like it's been trained to do the exact opposite of what it's supposed to, constantly drawing up matches where the killer stomps the survivors or (rarely) where the survivors stomp the killer. I noticed I'm not the only one complaining here. It's time for you to break the silence and say a few words about it.

I should be at the lowest possible MMR as solo survivor. I have not a single day where I even remotely reach the 40% survival rate promised. It's more like 30% - on a good day. Some recent days (not counting AFK killers or farming games): 1 escape in 10 games, 2 escapes in 14 games. One day even no escape at all. If I'm not bottom 0.000001% MMR wont after all the time MMR is now on your system is broken beyond repair.

And there must be many survivors down there. When I look at my match stats and the overall survival rate of my teammates, then their survival rate is even a few percent below mine, so it's not like I die all the time while everyone else escapes.

Just played with survivor bonus. Which means there are survivors lacking and there are enough killers at my MMR. What do I get? A P50 Blight with top load out who wrecks the group with 3 gens left. How can there be enough killers at my MMR and I get this guy?

Next game still bonus. 4k at 4 gens. Just one bad game, can happen? Next game (still bonus!!!), 4k at 3 gens left again. After that? 4 gens left with heavily slugging nurse. How is this a fun and balanced experience? I could continue this but I'm willing to be on this continuing exactly like this for the rest of the day deep into the night.

It's frustrating. It's draining my energy because I want to keep on playing until I had a good game, and some nights it's 1am and I have to get up at 6am and I just have to switch off to get at least some sleep.

(And since this is another hot topic, exactly this insane amount of bad games is what makes me hook suiciding after 5 or so of these games in a row at the slightest sign of the next one being one of those again - I'm probably not the only one, so fix this and this fixes a lot of hook suicides)

When I win a game, it's the same kind of stomp, just in reverse. The last game I won, the killer got his first hit on a survivor after the gens were done. And one hook total.

You say, yeah, that's probably backfill, the overwhelming number of matches in non-backfill lobbies are perfectly balanced. But if 99% of the games are garbage due to backfill, it doesn't matter if 99% of the non-backfill matches are spot on in balance.

Can we please get something that allows to judge how well the matchmaking system performs? An indicator of how balanced it thought a match was? E.g. for each survivor the relative strength of that survivor compared to the killer?

Finally, there must be some way for solo players to make progress from bottom MMR towards the middle to get reliable teammates, because yes, many games are lost by my teammates which I can't chose. But MMR should choose some appropriate for me. I know the game, I try to approach it strategically, I think about the best next step, I try to predict the killer, I want teammates who play smart, too.

I feel like I'm being dragged down by people who see this as a super casual game, don't mind about escaping, giggle when they grabbed off the gen by a T1 Myers or tombstoned by another one. If I care about escaping, then there must be a way to get away from there to a range where survivors do gens. Or super new. I've just dodged a lobby because there was another player in default clothes who had less than 40 hours!!! This guy probably hasn't even played against all killers yet, I have over 2500 hours and seen it all - how on Earth do you think I'll have fun if you put me in such a game? And don't tell me "hours played isn't everything" - I get it that a 400 hour player might be better than me, I'm absolutely not a great player myself, but not bad either. A 40 hour one? Yeah no.

You ruin not just mine but also my teammates' experience if they just want to super-casually mess around and do silly stuff like unhooking injured right in front of the killer, and they're not even try to win and I ruin their game by suiciding because I want to win but the game is not winnable with them.


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,304
    edited August 2023

    SBMM can only work with the players it has to match up.

    If there's a massive imbalance between roles, then there's likely not enough players within a given MMR bracket to match with opponents of the same bracket, and the whole system is thrown out of whack.

    For example if the top 5% MMR players are all playing survivor because it's peak SWF time, then they're only going to be matched with lower MMR killers, or vice versa.

    This is why the role incentive is so important. If you see +100% for either role, it's safe to assume SBMM is going to have some issues.

    So in your case, the role bonus is +100% on Survivor, meaning everyone is playing killer, and likely disproportionately higher skilled players at that. This suggests the vast majority of your potential matches are going to be higher MMR killers. If it can't find you a killer within your MMR bracket within 3 minutes, it will automatically throw you with the next killer in line regardless of their MMR, which is likely to be high.

    If it's a case of being 'stuck' in low survivor MMR because this means you have a high chance of your whole team being obliterated, I can only suggest you play selfishly. Run Sole Survivor and/or Wake Up, aim to be the last one standing, and use your gate opening boost to open the exit after the hatch is closed and escape. If you're genuinely playing well while being paired with genuinely poor survivors, this should have a greater than 50% success rate.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    The problem with SBMM right now is the lack of players. It prioritizes other things over actual skill. I got a match this afternoon where I was matched with a green and yellow perk Meg with 0 prestiges. That player is brand new. Why is she even in my lobby? The other players did not seem to be a premade.

    Behaviour's recent choices regarding the game have had a negative impact leading to people either leaving the game, playing as a SWF only or playing one role only (survivor). There is a significant lack of solo players and even more so regarding killers.

    Waiting times for a match at peak hours for survivor are already 5 minutes minimum. If they would prioritise skill over other factors, you will be waiting a minimum of 15 min. for a match probably.

  • saintjimmy456
    saintjimmy456 Member Posts: 185
    edited August 2023

    The majority of games I get, I am the most experienced survivor, sometimes there is one other good player and then usually two newbies, matched with an average killer. Obviously sometimes it sways slightly one way or the other, but overall, this is my experience. Which seems fair on everybody involved.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,813
    edited August 2023

    In addition to the points you bring up, the blasted lobby shopping is actively wreaking the matchmaking badly.

    Their system gets one chance at a fair-ish match, and as soon as someone leaves (surv or the killer) backfilling happens. The longer a lobby waits, the looser the matchmaking gets, and if enough time passes it'll just grab whoever is available regardless of their MMR.