Bots are sometimes more destructive than helpful

WitchWalpurga Member Posts: 128
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Sorry but missing 1 in 3? 4? Skillchecks is just ridiculous, i just had the pleasure to enjoy a bot who missed 2 skillchecks within repairing a half gen. Not even new players fail like that. Please adjust the missings to the actual avergae missing rate in the respective mmr, maybe higher for difficult skill checks via overcharge/coulrophobia.

Additionally, Bots are always busy to run around the map to avoid the killer terrorradius. At this state, they are really not that helpful, because they do not even do anything most times.

If a Bot is the second last survivor on the hook and there is more than one gen to fisnish, the bot should kill itself as this is what most survivors would do to speed up to the hatchgame.