Killer is impossible at certain times
And I think a lot of killers know it. I'm convinced that's why the 100% BP Killer bonus is in effect so often.
For me, the worst time to play is usually late in the evening. The later the hour gets, the less chances I have. I know what some of you are going to say: "get good", "skill issue", "play Nurse" etc, so don't bother. I'm just OK at this game and I'm fine with that. Not great and not terrible. I'm fine with losing as long as I felt like I had a chance to win. I want to play close matches, but these are such a rarity. It's either they stomp me or I stomp them.
I try to mix it up, but Legion is the most fun for me so I tend to play as this killer the most. I've tried every strat I can think of. Sweaty slow down builds (makes the game a bit longer but that's about it. Totally unnecessary against weaker teams), chase builds (if the team does gens, forget it) forcing a 3 gen by picking a cluster of 4-5 gens to patrol (Most effective but often doesn't work). Even tried NOED, though I hate that perk. Nothing is working.
I don't like tunnelling, never tunnel off hook and unless there's a gen nearby ready to pop and survivors are around, I only ever camp the hook when the gens are done (even that feels a bit gross and I only do it halfheartedly and don't face camp). Besides the last one, I hate facing these strats in my survior games, but I understand why so many killers employ them. It can feel like the only way to win.
So at this point I'm done. I'll be avoiding these times from now on. It's very, very easy to farm BP as killer any time, so a BP bonus just isn't enough to convince me to queue for two hooks per game against flashlight clicking tea-bagger SWFs any more.
I would play for double XP for more iri shards though. Is it time BHVR added better incentives to attract more players to play the killer side? Would the ability to earn more shards convince you to play during the times you know it's gonna be no fun for you? Would it convince you to play killer at all if you don't already play? Because the Entity knows the game needs more killers willing to get their egos bruised. Survivor queues are crazy long in the evenings (another reason why I tended to play killer at these times). Or perhaps nothing could convince you? What does everyone think?
I don't think it has much to do with killer feeling too difficult to play. People like to play games with their friends in the evening and survivor is the only role that allows them to do so. Killer usually feels a lot easier to me when the role bonus is at 100%. It feels like matchmaking is turned off and I get survivors who barely do 2 gens.
If you're an average killer as you say, then yes, some games are going to feel too difficult. But that's not an issue with the killer role. There are very few games that are genuinely unwinnable when you're on equal footing skill-wise with the survivors.
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I can give you a good Legion build if you're interested. I've been having great fun with it:
Enduring, Jolt, Ruin, Surveillance. Run this with the Iridescent button and the yellow mixtape that resets your power once you get stunned. Swing through every pallet and you can instantly break them (or get in a frenzy hit if they don't drop it) and either go for somebody else or chase the person you hit first if nobody else is around.
If you want a really sweaty build, replace Enduring with Pain Res. Enduring isn't always going to do much for you, but the slowdown from mending and the fact that you can break pallets instantly will help you mid-late game when Ruin inevitably gets cleansed or goes away if you kill somebody off.
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Like edgar, I too find matches to be easier with the incentive (although I would expand that to both sides).
The best thing I can recommend is intentionally going for 2 hooks each Survivor before killing anyone. Shift your mental win condition to a hook count that feels good (or maybe each Survivor hooked at least once), and then you will 'win' matches while often 'losing' matches MMR-wise. Even if you win at 9 hooks, you have 1k and 3 escapes, so MMR will work in your favor. Eventually you will go against weaker and weaker Survivors to the point you will be able to consistently 12 hook win (or 11 hook+hatch), so then you will have passively built up enough skill to 'win' according to your rules, and 'win' according to MMR. If they teabag at exit gates, you know you could have intentionally tunneled someone out, so it is like the Baby Feng thinking they looped you for days but in reality went down in 5s. Its more embarrassing on their part.
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Yeah, matchmaking is turned off at these times. That's the problem. Sometimes I'm getting lobbies with everyone dead at 5 gens in under 10 minutes and I could've easily won playing perkless. Or I'm getting lobbies that some P100 Blight dodged and everyone on the team can loop for days or disappear into the fog like stealth gods. But rarely do I face a fair fight. Nowhere to Hide is good against the last type of survivor, but there's little you can do if everyone can loop really well.
Thematically, Legion should have a great chase power and yet they don't. It's quite easy to counter their power if you know what to do. Spread out and avoid their terror radius in frenzy and if they do hit you, get out of the radius before you mend to deny the 5th hit. Easy. Turns the Legion into a Trapper with no traps. That said, it's true that most survivors have no clue how to play against a Legion.
Oh there are plenty of builds that I'd like to try. But I don't have those killer perks unlocked yet and I'm not sure I'd want to buy certain killers just for their perks, knowing full well that I'll never use them. The best perks aren't free for most players. Hence why I think a boost to earning iri shards would help attract more players to the role. The grind for shards is unreal.
I'm still relatively new to the game. It's funny that I've put in 500+ hours and yet I'm still considered to be a beginner by many players. Crazy if you think about it. That's more hours than I've put into any other game except Tetris and Street Fighter II (2 games I've been playing for 20-30+ years).
Ruin seems strong whenever I've faced it in survivor games, though. I do have Hag with my Switch version, but my focus is on doing the rift/tome for my Steam account, so unlocking that perk will have to wait. Enduring + Iri button + Julie's Mix tape is a fun combo that I like to use a lot.
This is more or less pretty much how I already play the game. I can't keep track of hooks very well, so I tend to play more organically (I find I chase, unless they just got off the hook). I average about 6-7 hooks on games that I "lose". It does feel good to get a 5th hit down or complete a tome challenge though, so I do try to focus on these goals instead of just winning.
It would be nice to win by spreading hooks but in reality you're just accepting a loss against decent survivor teams (with the obligatory teabags at the gates for playing nice). Makes you not want to play fair, if I'm honest.
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I consider matches with 6-10 hooks and 2K are survivors being equally skilled to killer.
4K, especially if there are still 2 or more Gens remaining, survivors’ skill is worse than me.
Against better survivors, I should not have 4K without using everything in order to 4K. Most killers are being like this and wondering why the game is so hard for killers. Demanding they should be able 4K better players, while not having to use slowdown or tunneling.
Of course those are general assumption, one side can make a huge mistake that completely change the tide, or cost the match.
I dont deny that they should do something about the strength gap between 4 and 3 survivors.
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So you mentioned you can't keep track of hooks very well. This is a place you can practice at and improve. Luckily Legion's power gives intel, so you can choose to roll the dice and bounce to someone else, or maintain chase the person you know isn't death hook. It also helps to focus on tome challenges to be the 'win' condition, as they mostly are in your hands (as Killer). The point is to accept the MMR 'loss', so that the game's matchmaking puts you against people you want to be against. If you make it so you 'win' when the game says you 'lose', that is much better for your enjoyment. It is a bad system that you have to fight to make work for you.
Also as for the 500 hours aspect, many games have transferable skills, and DBD basically only has the idea of controlling a video game character be transferable. M1 Killers have the framework such that each of the Killers can fall back on that shared knowledge. If Legion gets a little too boring you can hop over to Plague, Oni, Freddy, Pig, etc., and still understand how long it takes for most common loops/structures.
As for Iri shards, I think it is only a way for BHVR to pretend the game isn't Pay to Win/Pay to Progress. Sadly you need to open your wallet for Deadlock from Pinhead, Lethal Pursuer from Nemesis, and more just to participate meaningfully. It is almost similar to pen and paper RPGs, where the DM/Killer tends to have to buy everything, but the party/Survivors only have to buy what they like.
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Ruin isn’t a very good perk right now, so I wouldn’t worry about using it. There’s way better slowdown perks such as Pop or Pain Res.
I play a lot of Legion myself so if you want some tips or build ideas I’d be happy to help :)
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I play a variety of killers, so I already feel fairly experienced (with M1 killers particularly and how their powers work). That's not the issue here. Bubba, Plague, The Twins, Myers, Sadako, Pig, Trickster and Trapper are all killers that I've played a fair amount of and enjoy from time to time. And I've played others like Huntress and Wraith if and when I get a Daily. I have 4k'd with all of these killers.
But I usually enjoy playing the Legion regardless of how the match turns out, because their power is inherently fun to use. If I get destroyed and the survivors insist on waiting forever at the gates to teabag, I just practice vaulting around loops with my frenzy.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that when a 100% BP incentive is in effect, there is no matchmaking going on. Which means that for pretty much the whole day, this game has no SBMM. So games are going to be horrible for one side or the other. With that in mind, there has to be something to keep people playing and a BP bonus just isn't doing it for me anymore.
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Ruin is really only effective if you as killer can effectively guard it from being cleansed (like devour) and are confident you are good at your selected killer or ruin spawns in the middle of a three-gen you can easily patrol.
The last statement is what happened to me last night against a Blight, he was pinballing between three gens on Sanctum of Wrath where his Ruin had spawned, my friend and I figured it out after he kept periodically running to one corner of the map where we correctly guessed his hex had spawned. We eventually got rid of the totem and although he could have gotten a very easy 4K, we could tell he was playing for fun and to practice his bounces, slides and flicks. We escaped with a two-man out.
That said, Pop and Thana are super popular right now. I've seen them on a three-gen patrolling Wesker, a chase-oriented Clown, a salty Knight and Zoomies Legion. (seriously if you put Thana on Legion I hate you, and I'm saying this as someone who plays Legion a lot. XD)
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for me its early in the morning. survivors are hard sweating at this time.
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It may be summer, people having a lot of free time and being able to form squads, but yeah, since July it's been hell playing as killer.
Edit: Also, endurance being meta again and making it so every survivor has to be hit three times to down them. Right now it's pretty survivor-sided. Tbh I'm not playing as much as I used to because it's so tiring, annoying and frustrating. I was eager to play as Alien but I'm not buying it for now since what's the point? Being bullied over and over again by overpowered survivors?
It's obviously a rant, I will eventually keep playing, but Jesus Christ, I hope they fix it soon.
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Killer at night is a lot easier for me. Most of the day if I play killer I get survivors who are really effective and smash 5 gens before I can even get a reasonable amount of pressure. When I play survivor it is much less stressful and games are over pretty fast as long as my teammates aren't eggs. Most games that I lose I feel it's because I played poorly rather than the killer playing well.
I think something needs to be changed about the survivor objective. It is way too easy to pop 5 gens and leave nowadays. Most killers who play casually (like myself) don't have the time or patience to get good and play at a high level every game. But most games you have to play like that if the survivors are being efficient.
It's really boring. Something needs to change soon.
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I don't know what time zones you are playing in, but killer bonus is rare where I live.
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Ideally, there shouldn’t be Killer BP incentives for prolonged time periods. People can come up with fancy explanations for why there are more Survivors, but it doesn’t change the fact that there are insufficient Killers to meet the demand especially when queue time is prioritized currently.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this continues for another several months and BHVR has to pull another 6.1.0 again next year.
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I think your problem is, that you play Legion against MFT. Every Killer without a chase power/movement power has a hard time against a good player with MFT. Im a Killer Main, but I play both sides like 60% Killer and 40% Survivor. I would say I am a little bit above average in both sides. I play every Killer and after the release of MFT I guessed low Tier killers will have a hard time against this perk and thats what we see at the moment. I think the worst killers to play against MFT are Legion, Pig, Doctor, huntress and Trickstar. With these killers you can rlly feel the difference between 100% or 103% movement speed.
So how can you solve this problem, if you dont want to play another killer? I would probebly try to use stealth perks, because at this way you maybe can catch survivors of guard. Monitor is also worth a guess. The smaller terrorradius let survivors think you are further away. You also could try to exhaust the survivors, but I think these Perks arent a real counter to MFT.
But I dont think we should get bonus shards for playing killer. Yes we get very few shards, but let one role get more istn the right way.
And I like playing killer, because I dont need to someone to win.(its 100% my fault if I lose (exept Maps and overpowert Items)) I like it because its not like other games, where you need godlike aim. For dbd you need to use your brain and outplay the otherside. Its so satisfying to outplay someone, that its lets me keep playing killer.
Also I know some killer games are straightup unwinable, but I dont think killers need a very big buff. The only changes I would sugesst are buffs for the weaker killers, nerfs to blights addons and a nerf to MFT. I know it feels great to play but its totally bullshit to play against it with a weak killer.
I wish you try keep playing killer. I wish you, that some day you have no matches, where you feel you couldnt win it.
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Its always 100% for me. I think it dropped once at like 3am last week, for 10min I was able to get 50% as survivor.