Leaving the past behind.

LGTV Member Posts: 6

I never really posted here, but i am what most people would consider ,,A Veteran" of this game. Bought around July 2016, played sparsely and got super hard into the game ~December 2018. Back then the game had a real thrill and the excitement of filling my library with all of the DLC's was amazing time. I was playing with my best friend, we both had terrible laptops that ran it in 20 - 30 fps cap. We had a lot of fun tho, the game was super simple and enjoyable. Got bored of the game like 2 weeks after Deathslinger hit live, then i started playing really rarely. When Blight launched i basically stopped playing entirely, until i wanted to feel nostalgia and went on to play for a week to just leave it behind.

Im not going to cry about this game changing, life goes on and we can't change it. What im trying to say is that im going to forget old DBD and embrace the brand new DBD we have now. I reccomend doing that to every single one of you fellow veterans out there! Now that im looking at this game from a difftent perspective, i find it a lot more enjoyable. I am still missing the old meta with Ruin on top, but now the old ruin is just a flashback. The way this game wasn't balanced at all made it fun for uncompetetive players.

If there are some ,,Retired Veterans" i hope you will come back to this DBD and enjoy the game we got now, and perhaps get your friends to get some nice flashbacks.

Me and my friend literally bought the same laptops we had back in the day, exact models just to play DBD like the old days (It was totally unplayable due to the evolution but whatever) and even post reworked maps brought tears to our eyes back when we were learning how to loop basic shack on old Thompson House.

Peace to everybody
