Windows of Opportunity was shadow nerfed, no mention in current patch notes.

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Sheeeesh, That's a huge change to just not mention
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What is this BHVR? Nerfing this perk will not make maps balanced, it's just lazy change. I am hoping this is bug.
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Never going to listen to another killer complaining about their perks being nerfed when something like Windows gets nerfed LMAO
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It literally does nothing for the good players that use it...
This nerf only affects newer players
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You're so childish you know that?
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Imagine nerfing this perk LMAOOOOO
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Deserved nerf tbh.
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Weird that they didn't mention it.
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Imagine nerfing this noob perk instead MFT
I'm actually losing it
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This looks like only the text is updated, not the perk in game
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This perk mostly used by new players and solo survivors.
SWFs have free information about which pallets used.
But ofcourse it's deserved nerf. BHVR just hates solo survivors. I did not even surprised.
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Another perk change that isn't documanted in the patch notes. Just like BBQ and Grim Embrace.
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Looks like every windows discussion was collapsed into a single one. Nice.
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Perk was balanced lol you had so many perks that could be need that needed a nerf ..and what? You pick windows of opportunity? I just don't understand the devs
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It's ok dude, you're going to win so many more matches now that this perk has been nerfed /s
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We're not going to fix the broken spawn logic of tiles and chaining of safe pallets. We're just going to stop highlighting it.
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This is exactly the kind of attitude that prevents meaningful and constructive discussions from taking place on these forums.
It’s a shame that so many people seem preoccupied waging the us vs them wars and the “who has it worse” Olympics.
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Good players will look ahead to where they can go before they vault anything. And when they reach it, the cooldown is basically gone already
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Yea like all those people complaining about Windows on the forums and now it's likely going to be nerfed, such constructive discussion.
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Lol mandy I hope the devs will triple or quadruple check their changes before they release the patch look what is happening now they created a shitstorm event haha
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One of the most bizarre changes I've ever witnessed. The perk is mainly used by new players to learn pallet and window spawns and soloq players to compensate for not being able to communicate with their teammates about pallet drops. So this change only targets those player groups and doesn't affect swfs in any way. Isn't that the exact opposite of what the game needs?
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It's weird to nerf a perk that primarily helps solo players but isn't anywhere near as useful for SWFs. It's like the circle nerf where it could still be used for incredibly fast resets for an organized team. Yet became useless for solos.
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It's just experience. The ones with it just use woo to confirm a palet is up before they run. They already have a plan.
The newer player is the one who requires constant woo to figure out where to run.
I am not saying it does literally nothing to good players, but the effect is negligible
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This isn't the first time we've had incorrect text on perk/addons after an update. Honestly too many people are just looking for a reason to attack the devs over anything. Really people should have took a few seconds to see if the perk was actually changed and not just the text since no actual change was listed in the patch notes.
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I’m not saying I agree with the nerf, but people providing reasoned arguments as to why a perk should or shouldn’t be changed is the very definition of constructive discussion.
Going into threads with the mentality of “Well this survivor perk got nerfed so I’m not going to listen to anything killer players have to say.” is not constructive discussion. All it does is raise tensions and lead to hostility.
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How much Survivor nerfing until Killers are happy enough. Constant Survivor nerfing to appease Killer base not a good look.
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Maybe just check with bots if it's true or description bug before crying here, dudes? I just did, it's not hard. WoO isn't nerfed
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Pls take me with you
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top 1 perk got nerf what's the surprise idk.
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They can't nerf passive aggressiveness on the forums from grown adults, unfortunately T_T
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nah just revert it
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Does that mean that the perk is not meant to be updated (= the text is wrong), or that the perk is meant to be updated (= the text is supposed to be correct) but the change (in the code) was mistakenly not included in the update?
5 -
Can we stop with this? After 7 years, it’s getting incredibly tiring…
The vast majority of updates bring nerfs and buffs to both sides. It seems you’re conveniently leaving out the fact Knight and Demogorgon had some of their best add-ons nerfed this patch too.
The thing that isn’t a good look is people selectively picking out the patch notes to make it seem like their preferred role is marginalised and treated unfairly every update.
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So instead of fixing tile generation and spawn logic, we've nerfed a perk that helps Solo's and new players.
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Seems to just be a description bug (thankfully)
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Windows gets nerfed out of nowhere while MFT and Blight's addons are still untouched. Nice.
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Could be planned for the midchapter and they added it too early.
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Different case. Perk is new and is selling DLC for them. I guarantee you it will get nerfed once the DLC sales decline significantly.
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I hope this is an intentional change as Windows is by far the most used survivor perk in the game. It isn't only used by newer players or even only solo players, it's a strong perk in any situation.
A lot of people saying the perk isn't even that strong but clearly it is or it wouldn't be so widely used. Just because it isn't a perk that makes you faster or lets you do gens quicker, doesn't mean it's not a great perk.
Yes it wont fix awful maps but until they finally get around to doing that, if they ever will, it'll at least make it less braindead to chain vaults and pallets.
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The point is that this has nothing to do with "people complaining enough" as you called it. MFT gets more than double the complaints and it wasn't nerfed. WoO also hasn't been nerfed yet. And even if they did, it would only go back to how it was before. Which isn't that bad.
If you can't memorise a path that this perk shows you, then it's proof that this perk played the game for you and wasn't used to learn maps or help out solos. Seriously, how hard is it to remember 2 tiles for 20 seconds?
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Don't worry they will nerf MfT the moment when people stop buy chapter for Gabriel.
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It's widely used because it's useful to the large majority of players. The dreaded demon SWF that people claim to play against every match can literally call out where pallets have been dropped in seconds. Solo players don't have a clue about any of this. This is nothing but a nerf to solo queue and will do very little harm to good SWFs.
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They nerfed 50% Self Care because it was widely-used despite many players thinking it was bad. Any perk that is widely used, especially if it's used so much more than other perks, is gonna get nerfed.
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You think WoO is only used by people that don't know maps? I have about 2.3k hours and I still use it. It allows me to turn my brain off and play on auto pilot. This is what I was referring to when I said it plays the game for you. You don't need to remember lay outs, tile logic, dropped pallets or anything else because WoO does that for you.
There is a huge difference between a survivor that runs WoO and a survivor that doesn't. Mainly that the latter will be way easier to catch (as long as they aren't very good, in which case that is how it should be). Someone with less than 50 hours can delay the killer for quite a bit when they use this perk. They won't loop, they will just keep on holding Shift + W and pre drop half the pallets on the map. All while their team mates finish the gens. And in the time it takes the killer to get rid of all these pallets they probably lose the game.
This wouldn't be as much of an issue, if maps weren't completely broken but since that is not going to change I see little reason why survivors need a perk that removes any effort that goes into chasing. Even if they did nerf it the way it says in the description I'd still use it. But I'd probably have to play around some tiles, which can only be a good thing. On the one hand it's more pallet efficient and on the other it no longer makes chasing as a survivor brain dead.
I don't get what you mean with the whole STBFL thing. It doesn't play the game for you. It only forces the survivor to play around the next loop they can get to instead of running across the whole map before the second part of the chase actually begins. The killer still needs to get into position to hit you.
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I am curious to know why they nerfed the windows perk it was so unnecessary. Once you drop or vault a pallet or window it now goes on a cool down for 25 secs. It’s barely useful now. like reducing the range at which you can see pallets would’ve been okay but a cooldown?
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It's the old wording of the perk. Probably just a merge issue with the main branch and the alien development branch of the game overwriting the perk description.