Box must be Only can opened 1 times only by survivor. Flamethrower degenerate Xenomorph Power

Box must be Only can opened 1 times only by survivor.
Flamethrower really degenerate Xenomorph Power
With box can be always open by survivor they can consume flamethrower over and over again too many times.
The turrets are completely useless.
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The turrets feel fine to me.
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"Fine" as in they barely delay the alien or affect it at all? Because that's what they do currently
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Generally we have, survivors think the turret is useless, and alien thinks the turret is too strong.
That means it is probably nicely balanced currently.
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I play both survivor and killer almost equally, have played both as and against Xeno and in my opinion the turrets are a counter very powerfully against runner mode (that isn’t even that strong). I believe the turrets should be nerfed in one way or another.
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Turrets are like light version of Singularity's EMPs. Not as bad as they are, but still annoying.
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Been in several matches vs Xeno so far. The turrets seem to have a negligible effect and runner mode gets regained fast. Tail seems like it can hit pretty easily with good distance, and at least one Xeno seemed to almost be able to spam it. I do agree there's really nothing to telegraph when a tail hit is about to happen.
It's unfortunate that I'm not going to buy anymore stuff from BHVR. Looks like Xeno adept is stupid easy to get and damn that thing can farm survivors. Took apart a 3-man SWF that was really coordinated that I got stuck with.
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The slowdown is only a side effect, the main purpose is to remove the tail attack which works fairly well when decently placed on tiles.
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but it really consuming your time on chasing survivor while you get hit by turrets, you cant using your power instead only boring M1 game and get looping while 3 generator completed and you know adept survivor is so easy always my 3 match survivor have been placing turrets with good position near generator and pallet. Damn really annoying while you cant using your power M2 and must be resetting again.
what a useless power M2