Should dbd add a killer fov slider

FITZ2808 Member Posts: 5
edited August 2023 in Polls

It seems crazy to me that I have to waste a perk slot every game to increase fov (i get headaches without it), and still have worse sight than survivors 3rd person perspective. When survivors get 16 perks to killers 4 this really lowers the potential of my builds. I can't think of any negative from the survivor side to this change (most people don't use it). Is there anyone who disagrees, that thinks fov slider would be detrimental??

Should dbd add a killer fov slider 43 votes

Yes, add fov slider, give shadowborn a new effect
GibberishMrPenguintenoresaxHermitRobotfangirl67[Deleted User]SixShotOcelotViktor1853BlightedDolphinHaunterofShadowsBothSidesEnjoyerSmoeDEMONANCEEvan_ChikyduyguTyGuyArchol123HugTechLoverGensByDaylight 29 votes
No, this would be too strong for killers. Shadowborn is enough
brokedownpalacesurv43MankySloppy_WeinerzJudithMorelHugTheHag09SHARKBOSSOlnofelk[Deleted User]BlightedTrapperFelgooseYusokaHXRDeeBean 14 votes
