Feedback On Xenomorph and His Adept

Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I mean seriously, this adept is super difficult. I’ve been basically trying about a million times now and no luck at all. I keep getting bully squads. But yeah it’s definitely really a problem cause this happens every time when I and others come back to try to play. Also I will say that Xenomorph is really fun and I really like this Tail power. It’s just that he’s very tricky to play as especially on console.

I mean while his tunnels do somewhat help with his map pressure. But he still gets gen rush back and fourth and it doesn’t help with dealing second chance perks that should be nerf as well. Also the one good perk he has is Rapid Brutality which allows you to catch up more but without bloodlust. I’m all for leaning new things but I wish MMR wasn’t so out of place. Hope you all have better luck then me cause, yeah it’s such a pain to learn with him while dealing with these type of squads.

I also know I probably am exaggerating but this from my multiple personal experiences. Also his crawl ability does feel a little slow at times. I know they gave him more speed in that mode but I think he needs to be more faster. I only say that cause he feels a little bit sluggish as well. But anyway sorry for rambling and whatnot again. So yeah I feel that Xenomorph needs more buffs to help him out more.
