Does anyone know how to counter Xenomorphs crawler mode?

I am not saying he needs to be nerfed just to make that clear. People just need to learn how to counter him. Does anyone have any tips on how to counter him? At the moment If he is in crawler mode and I'm in chase I know I've lost it seems to be more powerful then nemisis's tenticle but that could just be me not being able to counter him.
I think the idea is you're supposed to take chase near turrets or people placing turrets, that's why you're given so much information on where turrets are etc
From the (albeit about 10 matches ish) I've played vs Xenomorph, results vary wildly as turrets are easily dispatched mid chase or straight up ignored if they are in a bad spot. Not to mention the addons xeno has that make them less effective
The only other main counterplay that was working for me was just prerunning and basically making sure there was always an obstacle between them and myself
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Faking pallets and hoping they miss when I wiggle around in front of them is what I've been going with so far, to varying degrees of success. And pre-throwing pallets, yaaaay
My only big issue with Xeno is it's hitbox not seeming to match with the tail attack animation. I've seen some hits that are Huntress hatchet levels of ######### up hitbox.
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Pre Drop pallets and fake windows.
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There's a plethora of ways, though its entirely reliant on how good the player as at killer & as the Xenomorph.
I've learned doubling flame turrets around a gen essentially guarantees the alien will lose runner mode if they try to go for one or try to hit you, but its a massive time waster and also cost heavy.
However, its best to pray people are placing flame turrets often, because if there are none on the map or people are placing them by gens, there's nothing you can really do but try to predict when they are going to use it and avoid it.
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Make sure you keep up with turrets. Each console shows how many more turrets can be placed, if it's more than 1 you're running low on turrets. Then make sure you take a chase towards a turret.
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This is not working against smart Xenos. The only real counter is turning him m1 killer.
If you have turret to near. Good. If you don't. Good luck.
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The turrets.
It's stronger than nemesis, because you can disable it completely.
Nemesis takes 3 hits but can always use it.
Xeno needs two hits but can't use it always.
Use the turrets wisely and disable the power.
If the tail was weaker, the turrets would be overkill.
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Huntress is ping, I guess same as Xeno.
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use one of these
they will be forced to stand up!
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Coordination, essentially.
You need to chase near Turrets that either force him to break them, force him out or force him to take weird paths.
If not, it's essentially a straight upgrade to Nemesis' Tentacle.
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Run into the turret
It's the only tactic actually for counter the crawler mode (who was translate in my langage to the caterpillar mode and it's so funny)
If you got some chance with your teamate, you can see the aura of the turret who get ready to fire, try to run there for slowing the killer and make it quit is special mode, it's what I do actually, and it work pretty well
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Greeding pallets
Predicting tail attacks
Crouching behind cover
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funny because none of these actually work.