Survivors should gain more points
It doesn't matter if everyone escapes, survivors barely make points and the killer always make more points even if they just camped and tunnel the whole match.
The only way for survivors to make a lot of points is if everyone brings BP offerings
Play during Survivor bonus incentives?
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Some people have jobs and/or school. This isn't an option for everyone. Survivors getting significantly less bloodpoints than the killer is something that most people agree on. It's something Behavior should definitely do something about.
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I only play survivor when they have +100% incentives otherwise it's just not worth it tbh
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I don’t see a problem with increasing BP gain for Survivors, but perhaps the BP gain for Killers is so much higher because BHVR wants to encourage more people to play Killers? If the reward for playing Survivor and Killer is similar with Killer being more stressful, wouldn’t that push everyone to just play Survivor instead?
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Tbh I think the issue is caused by "Survival" since you don't get much bloodpoints in that category unless you escape which isn't guaranteed everytime. So this category is always emptier by default compared to objectives, altruism and boldness which you get throughout the match. The wiggle and hook struggle points were great additions to Survival points but there should be something new. Some more survival points depending on how long you have survived could be a good addition. This could be measured by different factors like time spent on match, amount of gens/mates left when you got sacrificed etc.
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A nice hefty passive BP bonus for the longer you stay in game would be a pretty nice anti unalive on hook incentive.
Can't say I would ever be against more bloodpoints in general, especially after Prove Thyself got it's BP bonus removed. Like I agree with the change, but more BP to make up for it would be pleasant :)