Stop complaining about the Alien

You need to stop complaining about the alien. I played as him and against him. Yes he is hard but can be beaten with the right know how. I see alot of players not even try. You flashlight and tbag but the moment I hook you just DC. I can end the match just as fast with 5 gens with bubba. Alien tail attack is not even that great. Stop standing still on the other side of windows and paletts tbagging trying to be toxic and maybe you could avoid it. As for the flamethrower It works well you just place them in bad spots. Campaign the doesn't work and placing 3 together. Put next to unbroken loops windows. Stop running around to gen rush you can be seen in the tunnels. I see 80% of players using some kind of explicit. Pressing windows or lockers when down body blocking lag switch I even see hackers every other game but when you get hooked you cry and need a debuff. Just get good or play something in your age group. You win some and lose some . Stop playing for the win and do team work. Been playing from day 1 on and off. And the team work has gone. Typing this on ps5 with remote sucks.
No ❤️
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I played a few games against Xeno to really see if it was as bad as people were saying people and it's just as I thought and if you used the turrets as an early warning system and run way in advance Xeno isn't too bad to go against at all. You get so much of a headstart it takes them forever to catch up and then you just loop them best you can if they don't give up chase. I've escaped every time so far against Xeno, survivors crying over nothing yet again.
I won't deny I was surprised how fast Xeno catches up after destroying a turret if you don't run soon enough but once I adjusted for that it was no issue at all.
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I don't dislike it that much, but I think the complaints are somewhat valid. This is a forum for discussion, let people discuss.
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Before people get all up in my butt for this, this is a MEME, not an actual opinion. I just thought it was really funny and I needed an excuse to post it
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Played 3 games v bots. Not played against him yet but i ll be sinking some hours into the game tonight so will do.
* His tail attack is strong and the lack of a cooldown does feel very forgiving for the killer.
* His tail attacks take a lot of skill and are especially tricky against survivors zig zagging and spinning. The skill required compensates for the killer having effectively unlimited tail attack attemps with a small cooldown.
* Turrets are perfectly balanced and just need good placement on the survivors part.
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I don't think it's unjustified to say Xeno is a little oppressive. I've played tons of games as and against more against because that's all anyone is playing. There doesn't need to be a massive nerf to him just a little adjustment somewhere whether it's tail CD on misses or something else small.
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There is already a 3 second CD on the tail attack.
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While some maps can be difficult to place a turret, the only "problematic" thing with alien would have to be his tp ability as there is very little warning of his arrival unlike other killers, but aside from that I find his tail similar to deathslinger and even the huntress to a degree (with less of a broken hit box but I'm sure that's a hot take) so looping him is not the hardest part it's just trying to get anything accomplished without a surprise teleport. Although I don't think it needs to be nerfed to the ground
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That's what the turrets are for. The turrets literally let you know if the killer is within 41m of the placed turret and they beep faster depending on how close. This ignores undetectable and works while the killer is in the tunnels.
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There are a few design choices that when coupled together are making the killer very oppressive. I think we can acknowledge the killer is slightly overpowered without just calling people cry babies.
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Again tho with the turret placement on some maps. It's got a really big AOE and can't be placed just anywhere and depending on the map layout and more importantly the Gen spawns you may not get as much out of it
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Is he B-tier? Or A-tier? I mean if it's one killer that deserves being strong it's Xenomorph? Why would even survivors wanna nerf him to be yet another Clown, Pig etc class killer? Xenomorph deserves to be A or B-tier! Really stop complaining! Would be very unfun as survivor if this killer was mediocre that would be very disappointing.
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I haven't played survivor on every map against Xenomorph and if there are maps that are difficult to place turrets, that should be adjusted.
But from the handful of maps I have played, it's not too difficult to find a spot near a gen to place the turret. Even if you don't have direct line of sight, the turret is easy enough to hear.
The turret being difficult to place on some maps doesn't change the fact that the turrets are meant to be a way to know if the killer is close.
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Survivors whinging because the game has 3 very strong killers out of 30 🙄
The biggest chapter the game has had was always going to have a high tier killer.
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I think Alien is well designed and against skilled survivors is around B tier at best. It's going to take time to get used to a killer with a different gameplay loop, but people will get there. The devs fixed the largest issues from the PTB and made the killer fairly balanced. The turret counter balance is even handed and nice (some small tweaks might be needed for smaller hallways and vertical range abuses on the turrets), they defeat any form of stealth with the info provided and if you use them in dead zone to chain to tiles you are more likely to get enough distance for safety. Just like with artist, deathslinger, and Pyramid Head you'll learn how to dodge the tail swipe because of its hitbox. Once everyone has had time to settle with the killer I feel like the playerbase will get to the point where they don't notice it anymore. For example, look to Survivor Content Creators, who have already figued out the best in chase counterplay and are able to run a Xeno for 5 gens. Everyone else will get there, it just takes time.
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Oh ok.
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But the map as a whole being unable to handle the placement of turrets is an issue since you can't just change the map to accommodate such a thing.
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Because most survivors can't handle killers that are higher than c tier with the only exception being wesker as people had to learn to adapt since back to back wesker was Clearly going to be a common occurrence months after release
So they hope complaining and moaning and dc'ing enough will solve the "issue" of xeno being a noob stomper and a challenge for decent to good swfs that know what they're doing
Also she's a tier imo
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I never said anything about adjusting the maps.
It's very clear you aren't interested in actually talking about it so I'm not engaging with you anymore on this.
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S tier, no question.
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Might be better than blight.
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currently yes, id much rather play a blight.
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Really really tired of ppl who say stuff shouldn't be changed just because it's not oppressively op. I hope that bhvr will give xeno the deathslinger and twins treatment
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This killer isn't really that strong. A popular streamer even said he's basically C tier which I agree. The problem is there just so many baby survivors who aren't good at the game so they will complain at every little thing.
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I think it's important to be able to recognize satire.
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Can some of you post video of the counters I keep reading about? I am more of a visual learner and none of what I've read seems to be working. It just feels like the tail attack is more or less a free hit without much downside, or an easy zoning tool.
So far I've seen typed, don't put the turrets next to generators or they are useless. Put the turrets next to generators for the advanced warning. I've tried placing them in different areas and nearly every time they get destroyed before knocking the killer out of power, with little slow down. Or I get hot trying to carry it some where.
I've also seen, don't stand at pallets or windows, don't vault pallets or windows, don't drop pallets. Tried this, faking the window might work once but after that it just turns into me getting m1'd or hit with the tail anyway. Not dropping the pallet doesn't do much good because even if they happen to miss the tail attack, they aren't losing much, if any, distance on me.
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I mean it's not something to be so upset about but alright
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I don't believe that for a second! But if it is true then nerf Nurse and Blight to A-tier and keep Xeno that good. If we are to have one killer that can deal with good SWFs it should be Xeno not Nurse and Blight. This is Alien for gods sake!! 😀 If they nerf Xeno to be another C-tier killer I will go bananas as survivor.
Xenomorph for president!