Can we have Naru?
Now I'm not saying next chapter is Predator all I'm saying is we got Grid Xeno so we apparently do have access to Predator related characters so with that said can we have Naru as a survivor plz?
I know just asking doesn't make it happen this is more to voice support for the idea. Dutch is cool and all but we can save Arnie for Terminator if that ever happens and low key Naru was a better protagonist sorrynotsorry.
Next chapter does not have a survivor, so if it is predator it will be just them
a midchapter after is survivor only like nicholas
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I'm probably huffing copium but I'm holding out hope the chapter is based on original Predator and the midchapter is Prey.
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We all love Naru. But yeah, just the killer next time. (Doesn't mean we can't get her as a legendary skin or something like that)