General Discussions

General Discussions

The reaction to Alien proves some people don’t understand how a 4 v 1 game should be balanced.

Look, this post will contain some us vs them, but honestly the reaction to this chapter is making avoiding that impossible. An actual good killer is released into the game for the first time since Wesker and the crying is unbelievable.

It’s very clear now that a lot of survivor mains don’t view this as a horror game where the killer should feel powerful. They view this as a game where the killer and survivors should feel equal at all times- and if you think that in a game which is 4 vs 1 then I don’t know what to tell you.

Let’s have a little reminder of how balancing in an asymm should work. As a team the 4 in the 4 vs 1 should have to be efficient as a unit in order to win. In the 1 vs 1x4 individually, meaning in the chase, the killer should feel stronger. This does not mean the killer should be insanely OP, but the killer should be threatening , powerful and in this 1 vs 1 the killer should be advantaged. If you end up in a 1 vs 1, the end result should be the survivor goes down. Easily and quickly? Of course not. But too many people have forgotten the goal as survivor in a chase is to DELAY going down long enough to buy your team time to get progress on gens. Just because you watched a top survivor streamer juice some tilted/baby killer for a 5 Gen chase does not mean this is the norm or what the game should be balanced around.

“But that’s not the issue you toxic killer main! It’s how quickly Xeno can down people due to the OP crawler mode!”

Can they? Or are people not placing flame turrets in clever spots, looking out for the very obvious visual and audio cue they give when alien is getting near and actually looping with flame turret location in mind? Did you ever think the reason the tail is powerful is because the devs want you to use the turrets and not just ignore them?

Also let’s address the cool-down issue on the tail attack. Let’s just say it is unfair and Xeno should be a bit more sluggish similar to Pyramid Head and Nemesis, particularly after missing. That’s fair right? Killer makes an error, survivors should gain a bit more distance. Ok, so all those in favour what do we now do about flame turrets? You have a killer power in line with other M2 killers- except for that the fact Xeno can literally be denied their power multiple times a game. Does that seem fair?

Just a final thought as well- what do survivors want? Like seriously, who are the killers survivors enjoy playing against? Because the days of the outdated m1 killer are probably over. Not to say you can’t have fun with these killers, just that it’s very unlikely BHVR release killers like that anymore and the killer player base will continue to gravitate towards stronger killers because it’s kind of necessary. And I’d take a Xeno over a Blight or Nurse anytime.

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  • Member Posts: 2,412

    I think the devs should just nerf survivors

    Kill rates should skyrocket to 85% to make everyone happy

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Well I would be happy because that would make my road to 10K kills lot easier. My personal kill rate is around 70% now. But other than that I would be done with solo survivor if that ever happens.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    If they nerf the tail to have bigger cooldown which is fine what I have experienced but they should still buff him other ways. Make the tail faster and hitbox bigger. Maybe add autoaim to it to help console players more.

  • Member Posts: 436

    Hive mind much?

    Wheres the downvote button at?

    TLDR: Killer not scary anymore!


  • Member Posts: 5,211
    edited September 2023

    The problem with that is it's not really a 4 v 1 game. It's a 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 V 1 game

    and it's always going to be a problem in this game just by its very design but unfortunately, I have zero idea how you'd go about fixing it. If you make every killer be something one survivor can run for half the game, SWFs become so stupidly powerful that a killer might as well not even boot up the game but it would allow solo survivors to actually thrive and survive but if you make it where you HAVE to rely on your teammates to have a defense against something (like...say placing a flame turret in spots where it'll actually do something useful because you're too busy trying not to get stabbed in the butt by a razor sharp tail), SWFs become good but Solo Queue becomes a bit of a living hell.

    With the newer killers, the game does seem to be focusing more on the 4 v 1 game rather than the 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 V 1 game and I think a lot of players don't like that because a lot of players are solo queue players (hence the complaints).

  • Member Posts: 305

    If you play like you're the first victim in a horror movie, yes.

  • Member Posts: 196
    edited September 2023

    Everyone knows the tail whip is not working at intended. You can defend the M2 all you want.

    But it doesn’t take a genius to understand that the turrets are horrifically under tuned, waste your time with movement speed, and are negated by unseen addons you cannot account for until you realize Xeno wasn’t burned after missing an M2 and getting shot at for 5 minutes only to still retain their power.

  • Member Posts: 196

    You can assess how horrifically under tuned the turrets are because they’re not bugged like Xeno’s tail is. They’re mutually exclusive.

  • Member Posts: 196

    You can assess how weak the turrets are compared to Xeno’s tail whip because they’re not bugged. They’re mutually exclusive and are part of the problem.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Did I say anything about a power fantasy? I was saying all that from the PoV of playing survivor it's good to actually be scared of the killer again as opposed to thinking they're just a nuisance and bringing horror back to this horror game but thanks for missing my point completely very cool.

  • Member Posts: 9,700

    I've played a few games against Xenomorph today with at least 3-man escapes. Turrets are not weak. Too many survivors are just ignoring turrets or placing in them right in front of the control room which are just asking for them to do nothing.

  • Member Posts: 76

    But if you set up turrets you delay the game meaning the killer steamrolls anyway

  • Member Posts: 555

    I agree with you I was really angry about Xeno feeling overpowered and someone explained that it is a bug which will hopefully soon be fixed. Today I have had some good maches now that I have gotten used to him a bit and the turrets.

  • Member Posts: 388

    Let me ask you about this balance you want. In the 1 v 1, so the chase, should the killer have the advantage or not?

  • Member Posts: 970

    I think whoever wrote this post wrote it with anger and the sound of a Device crashing can be heard

    Remember it is a game, not two parties fighting

  • Member Posts: 1,270
    edited September 2023

    Praise the lord we got a survivor on this forum who initially having issues with a new killer is learning the matchup instead of just complaining about a new killer constantly and never taking time to learn how to face them and is now having good matches

  • Member Posts: 1,297

    The 1v1 is the soul of the game, if you don't respect it with killer design people won't stay on survivor. There's a healthy way to balance the 1v4 along side of the 1v1 and killer powers that minimize or remove the skill expression of the survivor in the 1v1 isn't the correct way to do it. I had really hoped that bhvr figured that out when they released wesker but oh well.

  • Member Posts: 4,181

    Because, if it's not singularity Level of counterplay in terms of ease and effectiveness then it's not enough anymore nowadays. /S

  • Member Posts: 1,956

    I spit my Dr. pepper on my keyboard when I saw "... should stop complain(ing) and just die."

    Such a genuine joy. TY @MikaelaWantsYourBoon I always enjoy your thoughts :)

  • Member Posts: 555

    Thank you I was angry because I didn't know that the movement speed thing was a bug. I just wish more survivors have more understanding that Xeno just takes a bit longer to learn how to counter. Now killer mains have their flaws too but most people particularly on survivor side only see issues when a new killer with a good but confusing power to counter. survivor mains see no issues with some perks like mft. Though I think killers aren't innocent I've seen plenty saying game is survivor sided. I play like 75% survivor and 25% killer so the only perks I can think of is old eruption. I also think Xeno players are going to be mad when the bug gets patched and they fix his movement speed blaming it on survivors demanding nerfs which I don't agree with.

    I say all this as a survivor main sorry this is so long.

  • Member Posts: 861

    Haha IKR.. That Singularity EMP stuff isn't basic counter play.. It's the Survivors being able to neuter the Killer whenever they wish.

  • Member Posts: 4,636

    They are bugged though. There are many instances where you hit them and they dont break. When you as the Xeno come out of a station, turrets are on cooldown for a few seconds. If you hit these turrets on cooldown, nothing will happen. You will get your hit cooldown and the turret will activate. Then it will blast you while your are locked in cooldown, making you lose crawler mode. I have made it a habit to just wait in front of the turret until it activates and the hit it. This wastes a TON of time.

    If this is intentional, it feels absolutely horrible.

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