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The Legion Rework/Buff

TabS Member Posts: 41
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

With new stuff added to the game (Killers, Survivors, Maps, Perks) it really gives variety to the players.

However, let's not forget about the older things. The new is great, but the old needs love too. Now, there are several Killers and Perks on both sides that fall into this category but now I just want to focus on my personal favorite: The Legion. I just love everything about them: their theme of being some youngsters who kill for fun, their agility and ferocity, the hoods with the mask and the hands-down best chase music in the entire game. But I feel that there're more things than one that is a bit wrong/unfair to them. Things that are both gameplay and lore/theme-wise could be way better and would give more immersion. I'm gonna quit stalling and start:

~Base stats:

Legion has average base stats. 115% movement speed and 32 meter Terror Radius. The Terror Radius is fine there's nothing to really talk about. But the movement speed is something I find it hard to agree (not just the base movement speed, but Frenzy too; more on that later).


Legion has literally 0 chase power/anti-loop. If they can't get the 5th hit in Frenzy and it ends prematurely, they transform into a blank M1 Killer. This is not really fair, especially with the Haste Perks (Made for This, Hope), the Endurance Perks and the several safe Pallets and Windows on the Map. Even Trapper can lock down loops with his beartraps; heck, even Freddy (of all Killers) can put Snares to at least make Survivors slower. But Legion.... Legion has literally nothing as long as Frenzy is on cooldown or if the chased Survivor is already in deep wound.


Legion are a group of young, fast, somewhat athletic teenagers. It would only make sense to make them move faster, since their youth gives them agility. It really doesn't make sense (aside from the game being unrealistic) that a ~19-20 year old person moves as fast as let's say The Clown (who is... quite the opposite).

So I say make Legion's base movement speed a bit faster.

~Feral Frenzy:

Legions power allows them to chase and follow Survivors very efficiently. They can fast-vault pallets and windows just like a Survivor can. However, unless they're really lucky (Survivors didn't spread up AND the map isn't medium/large) it's almost useless. Yes, it can quickly and (maybe) easily injure, but it can hardly down. This is caused by multiple reasons. The duration is too low (and the Never-Sleep Pills add-on that increases duration BUT lowers speed can backfire ultimately) and/or the map's size is ideal. Also if the Survivors aren't grouped up Legion can't even detect them with killer instinct.

Here I thought of 2 ideas and either of them might actually work:

Option A.)

Make Feral Frenzy "infinite" and with "no cooldown". At first this might cause some anger to hear/read but let me explain. Feral Frenzy lasts until:

-Legion cancels it manually (no cooldown afterwards)

-Legion get's the 5th hit (goes on cooldown)

-Legion misses/gets stunned or blinded (goes on cooldown)

This power is useless unless it can't cause a considerable amount of damage, therefor giving it the ability to do just that.

Option B.)

Make Feral Frenzy last a little bit longer, faster and lower the number of required hits to instadown. This explains itself... kinda. My idea is to:

-Make Feral Frenzy longer

Without add-ons it's currently I think is 10 seconds. This on a Map like Borgo, Yamaoka, Red Forest and any Map that isn't considered "small sized" is too low and will never give Legion the pressure and damage they need racing the gen speed. Make it last longer (let's say 20-30 seconds) so that they have a chance to get more survivors injured even on bigger Maps.

Make the hits required to instadown lower like this: instadown=[the number of living survivors]+1

Let's be honest, the whole essence of Legion is speed and fun. Chasing Survivors across the map, stabbing them quickly, sliding through pallets, jumping through windows... That IS Legion, that's why people play them. Even their lore says they love fun. So why not give it? Downing a player with a basic attack is far less fun/satisfying than vaulting a pallet and hitting rushing them down. Which (given the circumstances, that is...) is not that difficult to do when there's 4 survivors, but the more survivors die, the more Frenzy becomes useless. It's maybe possible to get a 5th hit with only 3 survivors but with only 2 left is almost never gonna happen. Making it so that you need less Feral Slashes for a down would encourage people to use their Killers' power and not just flail around with basic attacks. You can do that with any other Killer.

This change is more like a QoL change and is true to both options I presented: Bloodpools

Frenzy is not just a tool to injure but also a great tracking power. While Killer Instinct is extremely useful and fun it can be misleading and needs some backup. Here's how:

On an outdoor map with and open field it's fine.

But in an indoor map that has tight corridors and multiple room entrances it can really be frustrating. While Killer Instict shows where the Survivor is it's hard to tell where they went. I somewhat understand why you can't see Scratchmarks in power, but not pools of blood. Change Frenzy so that Legion can see bloodpools like they had the Perk Bloodhound (or how Victor can see them) so they can follow Survivors with frenzy even on maps where it's easier to hide and harder to navigate.

This next one is for Frenzy's speed. The point of Legion and their power is running speed. But a lot of times it feels insignificant. Even when using the add-on Mural Sketch. Legion's current speed in power is 130%. That's not enough especially with the new meta of Made for This+Hope+Resilience+Adrenaline. All of these Perks give Survivors extra fast movement and action speed. This is frustrating and feels unfair as a powerless M1 killer. Frenzy's point is to outrun Survivors. Let's make it so it can do it and increase the base speed of Feral Frenzy.

Also Frenzy is supposed to be a slowdown as well with the deep wound mechanic. But with the frequent use of med-kits among Survivors they can even heal up from a Feral Slash quickly and undone what Legion did while in power and do gens. Because of this, Legion not only needs to have Perks that help in chase but ALSO generator slowdown (Corrupt Intervention, Hex: Ruin, Jolt, Pain Resonance; etc....) which... isn't really possible because of the limited (4) Perk Slots.


The fact that Killer Instinct is tied to Terror Radius is... a bit strange to me. Doctor's Static Blast affects Survivors who are Oblivious/if the Killer is undetectable, the Perk Whispers is also a separate circle.

My suggestion is obvious: detach the "Frenzy circle" from the Terror Radius. Stealth Legion is very fun but very hard. Using Etched Ruler, Hex: Plaything, Tinkerer; etc.... is basically pointless without Susie's Mixt Tape (and even then it's only the extended detection range, outside of Terror Radius) and strips Legion of their own Power. Why? Why have an add-on that shoots the Killer in the foot. If Killer Instinct was a completely separate radius Legion could have more free playstyles (stealth) too, not just the same ones. It could make the Killer a blank paper that can be used to anything and give people creative freedom with unique builds.


Their add-ons are quite fine but they could also use some this-or-that.

I'm talking about if Frenzy gets reworked how I suggested (if Frenzy's duration increases/is made infinite):

-Mischief List: make it a brown, weaker version of Mural Sketch, so they can be stacked for double speed (like Blight's speed add-ons or Hillbilly's engravings).

-Never-Sleep Pills: They're supposed to caffeine tablets but that somehow makes the Killer... slower? That doesn't make sense. If we were to increase power duration there's no need for the extra 10 seconds (and definitely not the slow speed). So let's touch something that wasn't before: after-frenzy fatigue. Make 'Pills decrease the duration of the Fatigue after Feral Frenzy has ended

(OR alternatively make it decrease Frenzy's duration but considerably increase speed.)

-Pins: it's quite simple, make them activate like Etched Ruler does. On hit and not after self-mending.

Frank's Mix Tape: for a purple it's quite underwhelming. So here's something: after hitting a Survivor with a Feral Slash, gain the Undetectable status effect. (Since in the trailer Frank is shown to disguise himself as a Survivor before killing David).

That's it from me, thank you so much if you read all that! :)

I know it's not perfect (maybe too much/maybe I left out something that could be good).

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