Does anyone know any good object of obsession builds?

Just prestiged Laurie Strode and am trying to use some of her perks and Object of Obsession stood out to me as interesting but obviously it has a major downside. Anyone have any suggestions? Any advice would be appreciated.
Also if anyone has anything to say about the perk in general I'm curious.
You could try MoM + OoO for practically permanent aura reading on the killer.
You could also try Residual Manifest since the killer being blinded means they can't see your aura and you still get to see theirs since otherwise aura blocking perks prevent OoO from going off.
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I like Object, Windows, Alert and either fixated or Dramaturgy
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counter synergy. OoO doesn't reveal the killers aura every 30 seconds, it reveals your aura which in turns reveals the killers aura due to the other effect of the perk. If your aura is blocked for the killer you won't be able to see theirs
As for OP OoO is just a perk you toss into basically any build. You don't really build around OoO tho putting it on will mean you will get into more chases
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This perk got killed with his rework, if you wanna know with aura perks the killer has use distortion
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dark sense+wiretap+object of obsession+Scene partner is joke wall-hack build. it is not good build but you can spam wall-hack aura reading against the killer.