The new fast vaults are pathetic

leowt Member Posts: 44
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

My heart aches every time I fast vault now, especially when I play female survivors. Idk if it’s psychological, but the fast vaults somehow feel like they give you less distance than before they got buffed. I’m no Olympian, but I’m pretty sure if I fast vaulted a window irl, I would get more distance than survivors do in-game. In my opinion, the previously buffed female fast vaults look and feel fair, and the best way forward is to set all fast vaults to that standard, regardless of gender.

Post edited by BoxGhost on


  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    All they had to do is adjust male vaults, not ######### all vaults again like they did now