What is up with the MMR system?

Today I got put in a match with 3 P100 survivors and a P100 trapper. I know trapper is not a very strong killer but I'm not very high skilled I have 200 hours on the game and to reach P100 would mean like 1000 hours on the game. What is up with that? It is unfair.
Are you playing late at night? That's when most of the casuals have logged off.
I'm really starting to think that something has gone horribly wrong with the matchmaking. I've played for about 2 years and I've never seen it this bad before. I played a bunch of matches last night and did well, so I was getting matched with good survivors. I try and play today and it's back to three baby survivors. I'm talking about survivor who don't know how skill checks work, or how to drop a pallet.
It feels like if I want a good match, I have to wait until really late at night, when all the baby survivors are asleep.
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I don't know what or if the MMR actually works, I consistently see p100s in my killer lobbies though i kill a lot but in survivor i see p1-30s rarely p100s and the survivors play like they have no idea what's going on.
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I'll trade you three baby survivors for one P100 survivor. I'll even throw in the excess of Hags that I seem to encounter, free of charge!
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Nope 3 in the afternoon
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Last night as Xeno I had 3 p100 and one 57. It wasnt a very fun match at all and I was competely owned. The match was competely one sided. I got one single hook in the whole match.
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Congratz, a Killer who would have been more suitable dodged this Lobby and so you were backfilled into it.
We can only hope that BHVR can reduce Lobbydodging somehow.
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Most likely it is a combination of multiple factors.
You could possibly be in a region where the player density is relatively low and the the most consistent players are the ones with lots of hours.
Your MMR might be at a weird number in the background and the game in an effort to get you into matches quickly just expands the range to compensate even if you get a mismatched game "skillwise". Since MMR only moves based on kills and escapes and absolutely nothing else you could be in either a high or low level no man's land of matchmaking where the game just gives you opponents seemingly at random.
If you're in EU server region then you're just kinda boned. It's considered one of the more competitive regions basically at all times of the day and night.
There isn't a good way to know what exactly is going on, after a while you just have to kinda accept matchmaking in DBD is just an expression of universal chaos.
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Sounds like either backfill (the 4th survivor dodged the lobby so MMR grabbed the first person they could find) or your MMR is at the low end of the bracket and theirs is at top but it's still the same bracket so you'll regularly get games like these.
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That is easy to explain. The killrate for Xeno is high, you probably had match after match of 3 or 4 k and your MMR went up. So you got placed correctly in a higher MMR and got smoked by an organized group. Xeno is only balanced against SWF's it eats solo cue up like it is nothing since there is no communication on turrets and placing them.
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The mmr has been wonky for a while, not just during "downtimes" like late night but even at peak hours
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I know how you feel. I just played against a Dwight in his first ever match. With my main killer! That guy did not know how to loop, he messed up quite a few skill checks and tried hiding as soon as he thought I couldn't see him. He was so precious.
Never the less it's not ok that this poor soul got matched with me. I'm most definitely not a super high MMR player but I am more than capable of competing against players with 3k hours and more (in general).
I'm ok with facing 1 group of baby survivors or a baby killer every now and then but it's been so many since the update that I suspect something seriously broke regarding match making.
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I tried. But he was so scared that I couldn't get him out. He kept hiding during end game collapse. 😥
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why not fix backfilling to respect mmr instead?
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Could be a test like with the hiding Prestige thing.
They've known there have been complaints about the game feeling too competitive so maybe they are testing out a looser matchmaker, like we used to have
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I was a survivor.
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When a killer dodges a lobby, currently MMR breaks on the lobby in favor of filling the killer spot quickly. Mandy confirmed it in a thread some time ago.
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Backfill usually contributes to alot of this but the matchmaking has been pretty poor lately in general
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Yeah, but I did not quote you. I quoted a person who played as Xeno.
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Imagine a world where we could actually see MMR and give concrete feedback about these types of matches. Accountability would be such a pain
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Nope, I have yet to get a 3k or 4k on xeno. In fact, I been really really struggling with them. Last night I played 10 matches and got one kill, the night before I played 5 matches and got no kills. That is not it.
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Good on you for not brutalising the poor dude. Hopefully he still had a good match and learned something.
Those Hags are still available if anyone wants them.
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Possible. Although I have no idea what you mean by "looser matchmaker". Could you explain that?
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MMR is loosey-goosey at best. Despite that, it doesn't correlate with P100 players. Prestiged survivors do not equal skill. Now a prestiged killers might, but even THEN it's questionable. It could also just mean someone played during an event, got a shitton of BP, and spent it all on 1 character.
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Pretty easy fix actually, just make it so when you get into a game, you cant back out. That way killers cant lobby shop, and back fills cant happen either
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Honestly I didn't even know that was a thing till just now. That might be what happening.
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Killer DC rate/AFK rate would sky rocket if they couldn't lobby shop.
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Then they get hit with a penalty
Could also add an AFK timer. Dont move for 30 seconds? DC and get hit with a timer
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Yeah, I would totally support this. Removing the option to back out once a Lobby is filled and if someone DCs, it is counted as a DC for the Penalty-System.
Another option would be to remove information. Devs are testing it with the removal of the Prestige Level, but removing names and profiles would be alright as well. This would still leave Items as a reason to lobbydodge, but those should be shown because otherwise Lightborn or Franklins dont serve any purpose anymore.
But I think I would prefer to just put Lobbydodging unter penalty/remove the option as good as possible.
Yeah, once a Backfill needs to happen it prioritizes queue times over fairness. Recently I had a P0 Trapper without any Tier 3-Perks as Killer. We, the Survivors, were two 2 man SWF with 20k hours combined. This was just not fair.
In fact, inexperienced Killers are probably those who get hurt the most by lobbydodging. Because they go up against some Survivors which are far above their level, just because a Killer before dodged them (despite probably being a suitable opponent).
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Sorry my bad i didn't see the quote.
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I think that is a genious idea. Since the MMR scores are hidden from players so theres no way to tell what MMR level people are.
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I'd be all for this but I don't think they'd ever do it due to how many killer's would lose their minds over not being able to shop for easy lobbies. A lot of killers have this mentality of wanting to win every game but never wanting to play against anyone who can beat them. Either way they need to do SOMETHING about the matchmaking. Both the community and prolific content creators have called it out as being far worse in recent months. It's definitely something I have noticed personally. If it's going to be this loose then they should just delete MMR system entirely. What's the point when it produces so many unfair matches?
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That won't stop people from lobby shopping all they would have to do is turn off and turn on their router
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The crying is something thatll only be temporary
Just like every other major change, people will adapt
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I think I got this Dwight in one of my games. The guy only seemed to have figure out hiding in lockers, and that was his go-to in every possible situation. I even started pulling him out of lockers and dropping him so the other survivors could heal him up and lead him to a gen, but as soon as he was fully healed he'd run off and hide in another locker. I tried to make sure he got out at the end, but lost track of him while going after the other survivors and he ended up getting eaten by the entity at the end of EGC.
Results would be negligible to completely ineffective. For PC: Ctrl+Alt+Del, end task, relaunch game. For console: Just turn it off and reboot. Any time lost in either case will be less than most trial penalties from having to DC multiple times per play session, AFK time waiting for survivors to finish the gens and attempting to troll you, or giving it a shot and having to put up with survivors who are way too high of skill level for you/your killer character to compete with running stacked items and broken builds.
Realistically, matchmaking needs to be completely reworked to not only take into account your win rate but what items/addons are being brought into the trial, perks being used, and what killer character is being played, with an emphasis on (or at least an option given to players via menu) being able to wait at least a little bit longer for a lobby to spawn in exchange for the chance of it being more balanced.
For example, a P15 low/mid MMR Pig should under no circumstances get matched up with a solid P80+/high MMR SWF. A mid/high MMR Blight, Nurse, or maybe Wesker or Sprit would be a better balance for that.
Same in the other direction. A set of four low-MMR sub-P20 survivors should under no circumstances get matched up with a P50+ mid/high MMR Blight.
But right now, depending on how long all of those players have been waiting, that can and does happen without backfilling even coming into play.
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Closing the game via Task Manager or turning off your console still gives a penalty. So does losing connection
Also Prestige shouldn't really have a factor in MM. As some one whos played quite a bit before the progression update I have killers who are only at P9 or P10 because I have no reason to level them up as I already have a good number of add ons. That being said I still know how to play these killers. Same goes for Survivor. Just because I decide to play my P3 Jake, doesnt mean my P50 Meg doesn't exist
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I assure you closing the game via Task Manager has never given a penalty in the lobby or while the trial is loading. Penalties are only issued while in an active trial.
Although Prestige doesn't get calculated into match making, it does give an indication of play time. It's not an absolute, however typically the higher the prestige the more play time a person has put into a character. While this doesn't equate to skill, it can equate to experience, which does impact their ability to play the character (or in case of survivors, that side of the game). It's easier to hide survivor Prestige vs killer, as there's no fundamental difference between the survivors. They're all just skins and perk delivery systems for effectively the same character.
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In the lobby or while the trial is loading is completely different than doing so in the middle of a game.
Also prestige does show an indication of play time yes, but I can't even count the amount of times Ive seen sub 1k hour Survivors have a P100, and most Survivors I see with a P100 pretty much always have roughly 2k hours and their usually all mid at best.
Also there are still a good chunk of people who have characters with fairly low prestige but are still damn good with the character. I myself have a P11 Blight and still play him fairly regularly, I just had no reason to level him up as I already had A LOT of add ons prior to the progression update which is the case for a good chunk of my killers and Im sure Im FAR from the only person where thats the case.
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Playtime doesnt mean anything as most players are just bad even with thousand of hours. also you had several bp boostng events where players probably farmed off their ass, which completely throws off any correlation between prestige and skill. still mmr is just as bas as it alweays was and bhvr never did anything properly to resolve this issue. like with all other issue the game has, ignoring it is devs way to play the game.
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Honestly im less surprised of the mmr not working and more surprised you found a P100 TRAPPER of all things.
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I know fair play to the person playing him for that long.