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Knight mains, how you feel about this killer?

So, i've been playing Knight a lot since March, it became my main killer. I started to play Knight because of his Visuals + theme (Medieval) and i'm still playing.

The thing is: sometimes i feel Knight is fine, sometimes i feel Knight is very underwhelming. Its so much fun counter a flash save/ sabotage with a guard dropped in the right position, or generate pressure by punishing greed altruism; but sometimes - in stronger loops and some houses like in Haddonfield or Springwood - i feel that survivors can easily run from the Knight + Guard, specially since MFT came out.

Another thing that is very annoying is that Knight is kinda addon dependant, since you can miss a hunt without the Map of the Realm, even you land a patrol right in front of the survivor; also, Call to Arms and Dried Horsemeat feels necessary against better players, which reduces the possibility of experimenting with other addons.

So, how you guys which also main Knight feel about him now?

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  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited September 2023

    I feel knight could be amazing if mor and call to arms wasnt basically a necessity to make them playable. I wanna try the other addons so much. But they become so clunky without the addons. So i mostly agree. Also the bugs of my guards running the opposite direction to chase a survivor. Halarious but no.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Map of the Realm is must have in order to play him.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Like mentioned already, Map of the Realm should be basekit, he gets crippled badly without it, you could do without Call to Arms, but not MotR.

    The AI of the guards also needs to be improved, often they end up going in the completely wrong direction.

    Other QoL stuff could be better control when making the path, having zero movement to the sides is annoying, and you lose all momentum if you hit anything, and destroying pallets is often clunky has hell, requiring to take several steps backward to make room for the summon, doesnt help that its possible to get stunned while in doing the patrol has the orb for whatever reason.

  • Member Posts: 1,414
    edited September 2023

    Knight is a killer that has a really cool concept behind him but is held back by its terrible and buggy execution.

    His guard's AI has been broken since his release and still constantly breaks if a hunted survivor drops a pallet during a chase. That is, if they don't start running into a wall first. Creating patrol paths is still very clunky and very difficult for new players to get used to. Especially in maps with lots of clutter. It feels like controlling a bumper car inside of a hedge maze.

    And as has been repeated ad nauseum by myself and many other Knight players, he feels awful to play unless you use 2 of the 3 add-ons he has that act as a band-aid for his problems. Map of the Realm, Call to Arms, and Dried Horsemeat. An issue that the devs are apparently completely ignorant of since the latest patch gave meaningless number changes to 3 of the add-ons that no one used because of how useless they are.

    Overall, I still play and greatly enjoy Knight. But it's despite how he is designed. Not because. And I really wish he gets the fixes and buffs he deserves.

    Post edited by SirCracken on
  • Member Posts: 566

    I wish they make the patrol addons basekit, even if its something tied to patrol distance.

    Also, i wish the Knight had some buffs while the guard is active hunting, like a small % of bonus mov speed, faster jump through windows and thing like this.

    Also, i believe that the knight will improve a lot if they change MFT move speed bonus, as MFT is a direct counter to Knight and his guards

  • Member Posts: 566

    Yeah!! i true believe Knight can become an even more better killer with some minor changes. His visuals are perfect; his power is interesting. They only need to ajust something and we will have a decent and fun killer to play as.

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