Disconnect penalty.

I now got a 30 min disconnect penalty for leaving a game. Why is it 30 min? Well because anti-cheat or the game itself disconnected me 2 times today while playing. Apparently that counts as 3 dcs. I still deserve a timer tho, but perhaps not 30 min for doing 1 dc in a few days.

I totaly agree with the penalty and i gladly have the timer if i keep on disconnecting. But getting a penalty for when the game itself is kicking you for no reason is stupid.

Same thing with the bots. If i kill 3 survivors i have to play against a bot in the end which is very unsatisfying and i cant disconnent to play against real people. Same thing if im a survivor whos on my death animation, leaving to early? DC-Penalty.

What im trying to say is that as it is right now it seems like it hinders normal play.