Can I see Killer Perks in end game lobby when my lobby is dead please?

UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,949
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

In the spirit of learning, if I die first as a survivor, seeing what the killer took helps assimilate what I did wrong/didn't account for that led to my demise... but I have to wait for the game to end to see what the Killer had, which really sucks. I want to go next.

Can we have it where, if all the players from my pre-game lobby (most significantly just me for soloQ) are dead, can I please see the killer perks?

I know the counter argument is people will PM their former allies to help them out, but let's be real, coordinated SWFs on voice comms is the issue you're really gonna face as killer more often than not, and they're not many perks other than maybe NOED that are really gonna catch anyone by a huge surprise.

Most effects will already have been worked out for a SWF and shared, so soloQ sharing this information after 1 of them is already dead is hardly gonna ruin your gameplan, if they can even be bothered to message 3 other people in the lobby at all.

If that's REALLY such a big problem, can we at least get a 5 game match history listed somewhere that I can review later?
