Can I see Killer Perks in end game lobby when my lobby is dead please?

In the spirit of learning, if I die first as a survivor, seeing what the killer took helps assimilate what I did wrong/didn't account for that led to my demise... but I have to wait for the game to end to see what the Killer had, which really sucks. I want to go next.
Can we have it where, if all the players from my pre-game lobby (most significantly just me for soloQ) are dead, can I please see the killer perks?
I know the counter argument is people will PM their former allies to help them out, but let's be real, coordinated SWFs on voice comms is the issue you're really gonna face as killer more often than not, and they're not many perks other than maybe NOED that are really gonna catch anyone by a huge surprise.
Most effects will already have been worked out for a SWF and shared, so soloQ sharing this information after 1 of them is already dead is hardly gonna ruin your gameplan, if they can even be bothered to message 3 other people in the lobby at all.
If that's REALLY such a big problem, can we at least get a 5 game match history listed somewhere that I can review later?
You can still message people even when SoloQ, on Xbox I could just message someone and say "Hey the Killer has NOED, watchout".
There should absolutely be icons showing who queued up with each other in the end game screen however, no reason to hide who is SWF when the game is already over.
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Yeah, but thats my point... vs. SoloQ, if you have 1 person dead, the rest of the team is already up against it just to finish the gens, even if you know the killer's perks, let alone discover NOED. The risk/punishment is pretty minimal.
... and that's if you're petty enough to go through the rigmarole of going to each former players profiles and dropping them each a message. Most people will just go next, especially on console.
However I accept there is the potential issue. A match history would be the other way to achieve this, so I can queue up then check it out later.
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Would have to disagree. Too many killer perks set up fir an endgame such as no way out, NOED, remember me, blood warden, etc. All of that really depends on the surprise of it. Otherwise, it's easily counterable. Know the killer will have the exits blocked? You know to tap and run when it's completely safe. Know he has noed? Just clear out the totems before the endgame even begins. Not able to piece together that the killer has an aura reading perk? That's on you for not figuring that information out in the match.
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How is someone gonna counter those endgame perks if they and everyone they queued with are dead
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We're talking about the situation where someone dead in an SWF is telling their friends still in the match.
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This is a massive new player flaw that could easily be fixed, and the argument that "they might snitch in soloq" is a joke. Do you add everyone in the pre-game lobby to Discord and use comms? They why would people all of the sudden friend AND message soloq teammates? People aren't going to jump through the number of hoops required for a mild advantage in a lost match they aren't even a part of. Heck, even if they do, the Survivors will lose more by alt-tabbing or pausing to read the messages on average than they would stand to gain.
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No. THe whole reason it's hidden is to keep SWFs from telling the rest of their group what perks and addons the Killer has when they die.
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Even if you’re not in a SWF you could often still message your teammates. So unfortunately no it has to stay hidden until the match is over as it would not be fair to the Killer for it to be shown.
There would be nothing wrong with the match history feature though.
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Cheers for the effort policing lad... I thought I hade made that point clear in the title and in the description... but I guess not good enough xD
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And what are the odds that the person is going to check their messages in the middle of the match? I would say slim and none.
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Basically everyone on social media (including this forum) have like an 80% chance to have a stroke that causes them to invent something completely different from what the post actually said (being a little tounge in cheek here)
Even I've been victim to it recently