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General Discussions

Who are the next hillbilly addons ? :)

Alright, addons pass on Hillbilly is on the way with plenty of changes !

Probably after the Twins rework and before the nightmare rework !

But ... hey ... instasaw back ?

Like the good old times :) ?

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  • Member Posts: 9,416

    To those that think it can't get any worse. Life finds a way.

  • Member Posts: 5,921

    You got any context on this? I checked news and twitter and there is nothing.

  • Member Posts: 16,659

    They said some time ago that they are looking at Hillbilly. But they did not give an ETA at all and I think that it is quite low on their priority list (which I would agree, Hillbilly is not bad and does not need changes as much as Twins, Freddy or Blight (those in different directions of course...)).


    I would just wait. I dont think they give him back his Chargetime Add Ons and also not the Cooldown Add Ons. And rightfully so, those were busted and should have never been a thing anyway. But I except some changes to the most unpopular ones. And probably a removal of Overheat, it was watered down so much, it does nothing at this point.

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited September 2023

    The only thing they might do is remove the drawback from the one purple that gives you it. Because its equal to the old bulb. Which was the weakest of the charge speed addons. And in its current form it doesnt really see play (was buffed twice i think?) So i could maybe see that one to fit a purple. (Also with anti camp i dont see a point of overheat going forward anyway. One of the main complaints is leaving. And this isnt the same game as before with backrevving) also if they really hate billys mobility. Hes had this mobility since he came out and up till the last overheat change it was never seen as "the issue" with him. Just seems like they kept moving the goalpost to give overheat a reason.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    watch bhvr go and make his addons even worse lmao

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