My idea of a Skull Merchant rework

hi yall i wanted to share to yall my idea of a skull merchant rework
.the drones can no langer expose survivors insted of exposing them the drone shoots a clawtrap
.the lockon is faster
.she still keeps the haste speed boost on how many survivors have a clawtrap on and the the pallet brake after someone is vaultin a pallet with a clowtrap
.shes no langer undetectable inside of a drone
.after hacking a drone the survivors aura is revealed for 6s and they get a clawrtap
.clawtraped survivors can hack drones but after hacking a drone they get injured or in deepwound when they are already injured(with a clawtrap)
.drones can lockon one survivor at the time but the others are still revealed on the skull merchants trackor(so if more survivors a in the active zone they are still revealed but one survivor is locked on)
.when a drone is destroyed it takes 10s to come back(so after 10s u get one drone back)
.and at last some addon reworks like removing all gen/skillcheck effected addons with new ones
I made some new addons for skull merchant like:
-iri twin blades(was iri unpublishes manuscript): when a healty survivor get hit by a clawtrap they lose one health stat and if they are injured then they suffer from deepwound
-shotgun speakers: survivors with a clawtrap suffer from blindness until its removed
-adi valente#1 : when a survivor removes a clawtrap they scream and reveal their lockation
-prototype razor: survivors with a clawtrap suffer from oblivious until its removed
-ultrasonic trap speaker: increases the hack minigame slots of the clawtrap by 2
-adaptive lighting: increases the hack minigame slots of a drone by 3
-expired batteries: buff from 40% to 50%
those are my ideas af a skull merchanr rework what do yall thing and pls reply and give me some of your thoughts on my skull merchant rework or how to rework her
thank you<3