Please add a sound queue for when Xeno gains its crawler mode back mid chase

This dumb killer already is too strong at too many things, let's cut down the extraneous power.
Doesn't it already have this? It definitely does for the killer perspective.
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It does not, at least not any noticeable one while in chase.
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Idk how about you, but when the character changes their body stance, from being 2m tall to being like a dog, with tail up back above his whole body suddenly, Its VERY noticible.
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It'd also be nice if there were an audio/visual que for the tail strike.
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There is a global audio sting everytime the Xenomorph enters crawler mode and gets burnt out of it.
Entering crawler mode sounds like a string instrument of some sort, and losing it sounds like horns of some sort.
Again, it's global for all survivors and the killer. I noticed this both while playing and in videos from survivior perspective.
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It does but not if you’re near the killer. This limitation should be removed.