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Extreme desynced wesker hits vs weskers with good connections.

Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298

I had 2 matches in a row vs a wesker with good connection to the server get some very strange hits with his power, as in wesker doing the slap animation and not the grab from more than 10 meters away each time. Happened both times while vaulting and from the killers player reaction each time this happened, it's very clear that it looked as bad as it did from my pov as the survivor. I want to make it clear that again this wasn't just lag compensation being extremely generous as both of this killers had a good connection to the server and both hits made no sense on the killers end as well from their reactions, One was pc the other was crossplay.

I tried to recreate the hits with copying addons and trying shadowborn off/on but after 20 minutes i wasn't able to get it to occur again. I never had a hit like this happen before this patch, which is why i am reporting it now. If i were to wildly guess, i would say there is some major server desyncing related to weskers power somehow.

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