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Buffing bad perks

Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

Have any ideas for improving a bad/weak perk in the game? Feel free to share!

I'll go first:

Cut Loose: After vaulting a pallet or a window in a chase one time, the perk activates. For the next 10 seconds, all fast vaults in chase are silent and scratch marks after fast vaulting appear 2 seconds later. Each time you fast vault in a chase within the 10 second mark, the timer resets. The perk deactivates when out of a chase and goes into a 30 second cool down.

Thwack! - Any time you break a pallet or wall, all survivors within your terror radius scream and reveal their auras to you for 4 seconds. This perk has a cool down of 40 seconds.


  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,340
    edited September 2023

    the only two i have a idea for for now is Insidious:

    Give it a lethal pursuer type effect where any durational undetectables are increased by 6-8-10 seconds. Pretty good for some perks like tinkerer or addons like chatterers tooth. Not as consistent as lethal pursuer since there's a lot less durational undetectables in dbd. But itd be a nice effect.

    Territorial imperative: With anticamp coming in may be able to remove the range requirement since this effect might be strong if the killer does a basement hook but it'd fit the theme better. As well as the aura reading. It dims the area around the basement kinda like dredges nightfall and hinders, blinds, and oblivious survivors that enter the radius. Allowing a killer to get a sneaky interception if they enter the basement after them.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Fire Up - Action speed increase perk token increased to 3/4/5%. Opening lockers and hooking are now affected by this perk.

    Self Care - Self-healing speed penalty decreased to 30/35/40%.

    Autodidact - Finishing a heal now grants a token.

    Blood Pact - Now prevents you from becoming the obsession at the start of the match. If every survivor is running this, then this effect is ignored.

    Leader - Blessing totems is now affected by this perk.

    Poised - Duration increased to 16/18/20 seconds.

    Quick Gambit - Range increased to 32 meters. Repair speed bonus increased to 8/9/10%.

    Self-Preservation - Duration increased to 10/12/14 seconds.

    Slippery Meat - The first unhook attempt no longer progresses the hook timer.

    Small Game - Provides a visual indication of the cone's area of effect.

    Spine Chill - Works through walls again.

    This is Not Happening - Great skill check success zones increased to 80/90/100%.

    Blood Echo - No longer has a cooldown. The status effects last for 35/40/45 seconds.

    Dying Light - The obsession now gets the penalty, but still has the altruistic speed bonuses.

    Predator - Scratch marks now appear on vertical structures as they would without the perk. Scratch marks on the ground only appear within 3m of the running survivor. The density of scratch marks is increased.

    Surveillance - Added an audible notification that triggers when a generator's aura changes from white to yellow.

    It feels like some perks are just completely forgotten. I feel like each of these changes would make all these perks decent at least, good at best.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,408
    edited September 2023

    Resurgence, Solidarity, and Reactive Healing: Ever since the Hemorrhage rework these perks have become pretty bad, so instead of granting heal progress, these perks now reduce the maximum charges required for you to be healed (similar to how BNPs work). This means they are still useful against Hemorrhage but don't hard counter it. The effect is only for that heal and resets once you are fully healed or take damage; if at any point the number of charges to heal reaches 0 or is less than your current heal progression, you become fully healed. (Examples: Resurgence would reduce the required charges to heal by 40/45/50% when you're unhooked, Reactive Healing would reduce the required charges by 40/45/50% of the missing healing progression when it activates, and Solidarity would reduce the required charges at the 40/45/50% conversion rate while you're healing another survivor.)

    Remember Me: The obsession isn't immune to the effect anymore, which both makes the perk stronger and makes it healthier as the killer doesn't need to tunnel the obsession out of the game to ensure the perk gets value.

  • GroßusSchmiedus
    GroßusSchmiedus Member Posts: 450

    I will just copy paste something from another thread:

    Hex the third Seal: Now activates 60 seconds after the start of the match instead on hit, because it benefits some Killers way more than others.

    Machine Learning: Can now be applied to multiple gens then resets like Eruption, its currently to much of a gamble.

    Hex Ruin should be unnerfed, it was a healthier gen regression perk than most. Just remember what came after...

    Game Afoot now works regardless of chase time.

    Grim Embrace works for 60 seconds and reveals all survivors.

    Oppression and Thrilling Tremors have their cooldown reduced to 40 seconds.

    I'm all Ears now has its cooldown reduced to 20 seconds.

    Predator replaces scratch marks with foot prints and increases footstep volume to make it easier to hear.

    Remember me now works on first hook like No Way Out and regresses gate progress after a few seconds, removed obsession mechanic.

    Whispers now get the whispers removed and replaced with a hud element, i always found the whispering to be annoying.

    Make crows more evenly distributed as a buff for Spies for the Shadows, the function is actually good but its map dependant.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 876


    Calm Spirit: Now it doesnt slow you opening chest and blessing (Why?)

    Better than new (Rebecca Chambers): Numbers buffed to 15%/20%/25% and last until hooked. Also, ignore mangled when healing others. For a cool support skill.


    Twhak: Yeah a lot of people wants Im all ears condition. Im all ears is nice for some ranged killers, Thwak could be cool for pallet destroyers, Bubba,Billy,Nemi,Demo among others.

    Scourge hoook hangsmantrick: Now its something like hex undying. Scourge hooks reveal survivors at (let say) 8 meters + 2 meters for each different survivor hooked (like pain resonanse) up to 16 at any time not only when carryin someone.

    I could say a million but those 4 seems enought.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,771


    A Nurse's Calling: Adds a lingering 2s aura read for when people stop healing, and for Lethal Pursuer Synergy.

    BBQ: Additionally reveals the Survivor with the least hooks (furthest in case of ties) for 6s.

    Beast of Prey: Undetectable is gained upon getting Bloodlust 1, and persists 15s after chase is ended, cut short by the Killer injuring a Survivor. This Undetectable has a 60s CD.

    Bloodhound: Reveals the aura of Survivors standing in pools of blood (or within 2m of a pool) within 16m of the Killer.

    Dark Devotion: The timer resets if you hook the Obsession while it is active. (To help when you down the Obsession and it would be ticking down on the timer.)

    Deathbound: No limit to Survivors it can be active on. (Currently only works for 1.) Also now causes Oblivious (but no scream) on self-heal. The self-heal Oblivious must wait out the 60s timer (shortened with Vigil).

    Discordance: Include a cool Entity claw font for the highest number of Survivors above the gen when it activates.

    Distressing: Double the Terror Radius expansion for 15s when you do any Devious score event (other than bleeding when a Survivor heals).

    Dragon's Grip: Halve the CD from 120/100/80 to 60/50/40s.

    Dying Light: Nerf the Obsession bonus heal % to be equal to the penalty on all other Survivors. Double the penalty on all other Survivors while the Obsession is alive on hook.

    Forced Penance: Reveal the aura of a Survivor after no longer being broken for 5s, regardless of the broken source. (Might need an exception for Plague pool cleanses.)

    Furtive Chase: Change the TR reduction from 4m/token to 25% of TR/token. Also the TR reduction, and entity claws and chase icons on the HUD both persist 15s after chase is ended with the Obsession, and 5s with a non-Obsession.

    Grim Embrace: Now can activate twice as long as all Survivors are alive. Hooking the Obsession as the final hook to activate reveals ALL Survivors instead of only the Obsession.

    Hex: Huntress Lullaby: Tokens are changed to 1 token per unique Survivor hooked, and 1 bonus for the Obsession. Hex silences warning sound from the start, and tokens increase the failed skillcheck penalty by 2/5% (gen/heal) up to a maximum of 6/8/10% repair, and 15/20/25% healing. Cleansing the Hex halves the penalty and locks it in, as well as re-enabling Skill check sounds. (Eg. Cleansed at 3 tokens makes gens have an extra 3% fail penalty, and healing an extra 7.5% penalty.)

    Hex: Thrill of the Hunt: BP bonus also applies to Brutality as well as Hunter. When cleansed, the Killer gets a 10% haste boost for 15s. This haste boost duration is paused while carrying a Survivor.

    I'm All Ears: CD is reset early on hooking a Survivor.

    Insidious: Undetectable lingers for 3/4/5s after moving.

    Iron Maiden: Exposed now lasts 45s from 30s.

    Lightborn: Now narrows the beam and gives the blind score event as if the Survivor got a successful blind.

    Oppression: Halved the CD from 120/100/80s to 60/50/40s.

    Overwhelming Presence: Now depletes item charges while in the Killers TR at a rate of .166%/.33%/.5% per second.

    Predator: Scratch Marks can now be seen through walls up to 16m away, added 'stink' lines on scratch marks seen through walls.

    Shadowborn: FOV change is optional, now also reveal the aura of Survivors crouching within 16m of you.

    Shattered Hope: Reveals the aura of all totems in pink (dull) or blue (boon) for 6/7/8s after smashing a totem. May now be used on dull totems, but causes a Loud Noise notification for the Survivors when smashing a dull.

    Spies from the Shadows: Crows are much more skittish, and fly off much easier. They also return 2/3/4 times as fast after being disturbed.

    Surveillance: The audible range is increased by 8m per Survivor, instead of a static 8m. When kicking a gen, make the last Survivor who touched the gen to scream and provide a Rancor styled reveal.

    Thana: Revert the nerf back to 5% per Survivor. Alternatively revert it a change back to 4.5% per Surv if the 5% version is deemed too powerful. (4.5% keeps the 90s gens almost exactly 10s longer than the 5% at 80s at each step.)

    Thrilling Tremors: Refresh CD on hooking a Survivor.

    Unnerving Presence: Reduce the Great Skill Check size by the same %. Remove the Great Skill Check while the Survivor is injured and in TR.

    Unrelenting: Buff the % up 20%, for 40/45/50% CD reduction on missed basic attack.


    Ace in the Hole: Basically gains White Ward effects, but only for add-ons if held during death, the item last held if none was held in death.

    Appraisal: Press the secondary action button while rummaging to instead upgrade your current item (not at max rarity) by one rarity level and a full refill of charges. Keep the same add-ons. (Toolbox upgrade path is Brown to Mechanic's to Engineer's or Yellow to Commodious to Alex's. Essentially Repair or Sabo upgrade paths.)

    Autodidact: Now improves altruistic Skillcheck rate by 7.5%/s (50% base rate). Now also may be used with Self-Care, but at half the Skillcheck bonus (so a net +12.5% at max stacks).

    Balanced Landing: Now always suppresses grunts of exertion when falling. If this isn't enough, stagger reduction is also now always applied.

    Bite the Bullet: Silences your grunts of pain and healing sounds when you are being healed as well, but doesn't grant the other effects to your healing.

    Blood Pact: Now still functions if you are the Obsession, and works on the first person you heal or are healed by until deactivated. Now has a 5s linger on the tooltip when you exit range, where you can re-enter the range and get the effect back.

    Boil Over: Brings back the perfect all Great Wiggle 1s reduction. Alternatively starts the Wiggle at 1/16th bonus completion.

    Boon: Circle of Healing: Self-Care at 25% unlocked. (Since the heal boost is 100% altruistic, this will take 64s to heal, and encourage a teammate to come over to heal in 8s instead.)

    Boon: Dark Theory: Converts Medium vaults into Fast vaults when within range (with a new vault SFX and buff bar tooltip for HoH/deaf Killers). Optional additional change is swap MfT and Dark Theory Haste numbers.

    Breakdown: Now also breaks the hook when you rescue someone for 45s if the Killer was within 24m or TR of the Killer when rescuing.

    Breakout: now also grants 33% bonus current wiggle progress when taking a protection hit for a Survivor being carried by the Killer.

    Buckle Up: Optionally takes MfT's Endurance effect. Do not combine with Dark Theory's optional change.

    Calm Spirit: Remove the 30% slowdown, and silence all Killer unique sound effects. Examples include coughing, vomiting, Ouroborous wiggling, Victor screaming on your back, and so on.

    Counterforce: Now reactivates the aura for 2/3/4s with a tooltip when walking within 16m of a previously Counterforce revealed totem. Cleansing speed may now stack above 5, in the case of Pentimento totems.

    Dance With Me: When the CD is available, now also converts Medium vaults into Fast vaults with the same SFX and tooltip for Killers as Dark Theory.

    Dead Hard: May be used on any hook state while injured, but provides 1s of Endurance only against Special Attacks. (M1 ignores DH, but Blight and Nurse have to eat it.)

    Decisive Strike: Disables the Killer's power for 5s per gen remaining. If they have ammo/charges they are set to 0 and cannot recharge/reload until the timer is up. May now be used after both hooks. (Again, no change for M1 Killers, but Blight and Nurse have to eat it.)

    Desperate Measures: Now also affects Mending Speed. Also Doubles unhook speed boost per qualified Survivor.

    Empathic Connection: Also doubles base skillcheck rate on altruistic healing. (15%->30%, stacks with Audodidact for 37.5% total)

    Fast Track: Gain 2/4/6 additional tokens on Survivor death up to a new maximum of 15/30/45.

    Guardian: Survivors on unhook are invisible to the Killer, leave no blood, no scratch marks, can't scream, or have their aura read for 8/9/10s post-unhook, ended early on Conspicuous Action.

    Head On: Now stuns for 4s if in the Locker for 5s or longer, and 5s if 15s or longer. Also highlights your locker in yellow to Survivors while active. The Perk tiers determine the max stun 'charge' as well as reduce exhaustion.

    Inner Healing: Now works on tokens. May stack up to 2 tokens. Hex totems count as 2 tokens, dull count as 1. It takes 1 token to heal.

    Iron Will: Buff back to 100% while not exhausted OR remove the not exhausted pre-req.

    Kindred: While a Killer's aura is revealed by this perk and you are not on hook, boost your gen speed by 25%. While a Killer's aura is revealed by this perk and you are on hook, boost allied gen speeds by 10% each.

    Kinship: May now function on both hooks and glows you in white with a Survivor HUD symbol. Duration increased to 35/40/45s.

    Leader: Now works with mend and bless speeds.

    Left Behind: Reveals hatch for 10/15/20s when first left alone, and permanently once closed. Enables rummaging the basement chest while hatch permanently closed, with a Purple Key being guaranteed.

    No Mither: You start healthy and permanently exposed. Allies healing you, while you are injured, get a 300% speed boost to do so.

    Object of Obsession: Vault speeds are now also affected (at the same 6% max rank). You gain the action speed boost effects while in chase as well. If you are the Obsession, the increased action speeds linger an additional 7s after chase/aura read ends. (This brings back the old Spine Chill+Resilience vault speed.)

    Open-Handed: Now shows aura effects from perks all other Survivors have equipped, with a tooltip to show which perks you are benefiting from.

    Parental Guidance: Now blinds the Killer for the duration of Stuns as well, with a corresponding debuff tooltip/score event. (So that you can progress blind tomes, and the Killer can know they got hit by Parental Guidance.)

    Plunderer's Instinct: When searching or rummaging a chest, press the secondary action button to prevent the same class of item previously found from popping up. If searching 5 or more items, it cycles back through the list, such that the 1st item found/clocked is guaranteed to be the 6th, the 2nd on the 7th, and so on. (Alternatively just prevents the last found type only.)

    Poised: Removes pools of blood and grunts of pain as well as scratch marks for the duration.

    Red Herring: Works similar to Blast Mine/Wiretap, can be placed on a gen instead of automatically activating on previously touched gen. You can also place this on completed gens, but it makes the loud noise randomly within 6m of the gen at the same height, to appear as a failed heal skillcheck.

    Renewal: In addition to the normal effects, this perk now 'batches' the effect after any other Broken source to heal 28/24/20s after that effect ends. This also only consumes the perk usage when it successfully heals the player. (For example, Legion self-mend add-on applies Broken for 60s, then 20s after the broken ends, the Survivor is healed and the effect is consumed.)

    Repressed Alliance: Can be used to add (on gens only) or subtract 30s from any entity block. This works on the specific block, not against the perk source. (For example No Way Out with 60s from 4 hooks is activated, Repressed Alliance reduces Gate A's timer by 30s, but Gate B's timer is still the full 60s.)

    Saboteur: Buffed to 2s. Also a shortened 15s CD is activated if you do not complete the sabo.

    Slippery Meat: Once you complete at least 1 self-unhook attempt (successful or no), unlock the 2nd part of this perk. The 2nd part automatically self-unhooks at the end of 2nd stage if all skill checks in 2nd stage were made successfully. It requires a final bonus DS sized skill check for the self-unhook at the end. On being unhooked by any means after enabling this perk on 1st hook, you become the Obsession.

    Smash Hit: While not exhausted, gives Endurance for 1s during pallet drops. If the Endurance is consumed, then a 40s exhaustion is applied. If the normal stun gives the speed boost, get the 20s exhaustion instead.

    Sole Survivor: Works on hook stages instead of deaths for the aura portion. Each hook counts as 1 token, and a Survivor death counts as a bonus 1 token. 4 tokens is equal to the old 1 death value. The gen speed, gate speed, and hatch speed are now split into 1/3rd per death. (This means 25% gen speed per death, and 16.66% gate/hatch speed per death.)

    Streetwise: Doubles the value, but no longer stacks. This is not doubled for Toolboxes.

    Technician: Removes the bonus failure percentage. Also reduces the gen noise by 5m per additional Surv.

    Tenacity: Doubles the speed boost over 30s. When not moving, half the movespeed boost is applied to recovery speed.

    This Is Not Happening: Adds a copy of the original boost of skillcheck sizes when within 16m of the Killer, and/or within TR. When both are applied, increase the total boost from 20/40/60% to 25/50/75%, but reveal your aura to the Killer while repairing a gen with the double boost.

    Up the Ante: Change the token system from 'Living Survivors = 1 token' to 'Living = 1, Dead = 2'. Also if you are the first person to die in the trial, the remaining self-unhook attempts have 100% chance of success.

    Urban Evasion: In addition to the current effects, every 5s spent on gens gives 1 token. Tokens are automatically at a rate of 1/s used while crouching to hide your aura, regardless if you are being revealed or not. You can hold a maximum of 8/9/10 tokens.

    Visionary: The range is buffed to 48m from 32m, but is shrunken by 32m to 16m during the 16s CD post generator completion.

    Wake Up: Gates you have touched are revealed to all Survivors, even after you stop touching them.

    Most were copied from my old perk document, so there might be some changes that are already done or buffed in a separate fashion.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 629

    Teamwork: Power of Two ~ (Buff)

    When you heal a survivor or someone heals you, you both earn a 6% haste effect. (up from 5% and you now gain a speed boost when someone else heals you)

    As long as you both stay within 16 meters of each other (up from 12m) you keep the haste, unless if you leave range, then the haste effect is removed.

    Teamwork: Power of Two has a cooldown of 60 seconds (down from 140).

    Self-Care (Mini Rework)

    Whenever you get unhooked by any means, Self-Care activates.

    You unlock the ability to heal yourself at 85% the normal healing speed.

    Self-Care deactivates when you heal yourself to healthy, Self-Care healing speed is capped at 85%.