BHVR, please kill switch Skull Merchant

sonata93 Member Posts: 418
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

To preface, I just had a really “fun” game against one on RPD:

Two gens spawned in the main foyer (one at the bottom where it always does and then one at the top of the left staircase). She set up two drones in this area and then one at another close by gen. She wouldn’t commit to chases, and instead, chose to patrol gens and kick them. On the rare occasion she committed to a chase, she refused to hook and left the survivor to bleed out on the floor. The game went on for at least 30 mins and only came to an end because the survivors started to give up so it was an easy 4K.

How on earth is this killer still a thing? Why is she still in the game when she relies so heavily on such tedious and unfun gameplay. I won’t even consider the “viable strategy” argument as I refuse to believe anyone has fun playing gen-kick simulator.

She needs kill switching until she gets a complete overhaul. I always stick up for BHVR despite their pitfalls as their art direction is usually on point, but this chapter didn’t even get that. She had no redeeming qualities: terrible lore, awful perks, and her mori is basically a knock-off Freddy.

I know I’m not the only one that can’t stand this killer.


  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,280

    Disliking playing against something is not grounds for it being killswitched.

    Is she horribly designed? Yes. But from a technical standpoint, she's functioning as intended and doesn't need killswitched.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418
    edited September 2023

    Maybe not, but when a large percentage of a player base unanimously agree they hate this killer and think she’s garbage, is it not good sense to do something about it?

    Survivors hate versing her and most killers probably never bothered investing in the chapter because why world they? Surely that indicates something is up?

    Also, “functioning as intended” is not grounds for keeping something that broken in the game. Old DS, pre-exhaustion SB, old DH, old Eruption all “functioned as intended” but that doesn’t mean they should’ve been kept in the game.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I just had a game of chess like this a few days ago (on Saloon, guaranteed 3gen at the gallows).

    Not fun.