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Does anyone know any good or fun perk builds for pig?

I'm getting the pig soon while there is a sale on . I know of one fun build for pig. i assume for a good build STBL is in there probably. Also can someone fully explain the rule of boops I have a decent idea of it but I would like the full rule as it seems fun and very important to the community.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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  • Member Posts: 816

    I like Pig with Amanda's letter, then I go with STBFL and Rapid Brutality to win chases. It takes most your traps away, but when crouching you can see nearby auras.

    Booping the Snoot is when a survivor wants to poke your nose. There's no real rules to it, you can allow it then go back to a normal game, or just go friendly. I have a hard time murdering players once I made them happy by giving in on something, so it often costs me the trial.

    Killers/survivors sometimes put aside their differences and game objectives for some funny interaction, killers with animal-like features really bring it out in survivors, especially if you're giving them some breathing room. They figure, "she's not sweating us when we unhook or remove traps, might let us Boop." Demo is another popular one. I even get it as Dredge with Maurice's head.

    But it's just fun.

    I like to kick people out of the basement with Bubba. Catch 'em in the basement, down 'em, toss them out. Just cracks me up to do it. Fun is fun.

    My advice, have fun, Pig.

  • Member Posts: 3,934
    edited September 2023

    Generally as Pig you want a couple of info perks and a couple of perks to help you in chase. A decent starter build while learning that you can get for free on Pig is: -

    • Brutal Strength (Trapper)
    • Enduring (Hillbilly)
    • Monitor & Abuse (Doctor)
    • Whispers (General)
    • Combat Straps and John's Medical File add-on.

    Whenever Whispers lights up at 32m, M&A will keep you TR hidden as you can hit your crouch and approach nearby gens and using your low profile. As you get about 2 seconds from the gen, stand back up and try for a grab, if survivors react, you get the stab, but if they're slow, you get a grab.

    Brutal Strength and Enduring helps you chase survivors that hold W and run for pallets, you can greed and sometimes score aggressive hits without much penalty. You typically want to use your ambush when a Survivor tries to loop at a pallet, sit on the pallet itself and face one way, then dash the other. Experienced survivors will leave, so the faster stealth movement and standup speed can even bait that too.

    Put your traps on early as possible, if your doing really well and no gens pop after 2 bear traps it might be worth holding, otherwise get themout when you can. You generally want to chase survivors not trapped, but ofc if they give you a free hit, take it.

    As you get more experience and comfort in chase, start looking at using Ruleset Number 2/Jigsaw Annotated Plans/Gear Boxes to mess with your RBT timers. With basic push off and chase manipulation you can catch a few kills. You can also get creative and nasty with certain perks on Pig... particularly with things like Hex: Face the Darkness and Tampered Timer 😏

    I still like this chase Pig though. I use Surveillance and Nowhere to Hide instead of Whispers and M&A, to catch sneaky survivors who spot me coming and ninja away.

    Booping the snoot is always on the table when crouching... and something survivors do at their own risk. You can accept boops, you can spam ambush roar at boops, or you can murder boops. There is no wrong answer.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    The rule of boops is more a fun meme than a rule. So decide what the "rules" are to you, then roll with it.

    A few common 'rules' though.

    If you accept boops, that's fine. If you don't accept boops, that's fine too. Now, that said what a lot of us Pig mains do is if we are accepting boops, we will let you know by nodding our head and sometimes let you go. Sometimes we still hook you for points, but will let you out come end game. If we don't accept boops this game, we will down you, shake our head no, then hook you. Sometimes it's only the first survivor to boop that will get the hatch. Sometimes all survivors that boop get out the exit gate. The biggest hard and fast rule (that even then has exceptions) is NEVER TRUST A BLACK LEATHER PIG.

    The code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules.” – Barbossa, Pirates of the Caribbean

    As for perks, that really depends on your playstyle and whether you are playing to 'win" or just wanting to mess around and get boops.

    For example, one of my favorite builds is what I jokingly call my "Perkless Pig" build. I run Blood Warden, Hex: No One Escapes Death, No Way Out, and Terminus. Then for addons I bring Video Tape and Crate of Gears. Then, I try to get a 4K before the last generator is finished. If they manage to get the gates open and nobody is downed, I usually let them all go. If however they allow me to use Blood Warden, then I use it.

    Another fun one I credit to the YouTuber SkyFaction, but I bring Game Afoot, Hex: No One Escapes Death, No Way Out, and Rancor. I then stay crouched the entire match, playing friendly Pig. Everyone gets the generators done, they get points, then when the last generator is done, I stand up. Then there is one rule. No running. As soon as I see scratch marks, I chase and down them with NOED, which makes Game Afoot proc, they become the obession, and I instantly Mori them with Rancor. But you have to run for it to work. No chase means Game Afoot won't activate.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    One important thing is don't bring Unnerving Presence or Huntress Lullaby thinking it will affect the headtrap skillchecks. Since it is a power, it isn't supposed to interact with those type of perks. There was a patch were it was bugged and worked, but that happens rarely.

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    If someone recommends 50 50 pig i will report them to their local government

  • Member Posts: 3,254
    edited September 2023

    I run a scream build to do head pop. I run Hex face the darkness, Jolt, STBFL and infectious fright. The add on are crate of gears and that one common add on that give mending on missed jigsaw boxes.

  • Member Posts: 508

    I’ve been running Undying, blood favour, crowd control and pentimento. Helps you get a few traps on then you overwhelm them with slowdown in the late game.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited September 2023

    Here are a few build recipes.

    Corrupt, NWO, DMS (flex jolt or other gen def), Monger (flex gen def): COG & either TT or BOG

    Pentimento + plaything, STBFL (flex Monger), Devour: R#2 & Iri Tape

    Jolt, STBFL (flex perk), Deadlock, M&A: CoG & TT

    Enduring + Spirit Fury + Hubris + Flex Perk (i.e. STBFL, PR, DL, DMS, Jolt): CoG & BoG

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    unnerving presence does affect pig trap skill-check. it affects all skill-checks. not that this matters at all because.... the skill-check are easy but yeah. only lullaby does not affect skill-checks. it used to do that but it got changed.

  • Member Posts: 4,650

    My 2000h pig main build to PLAY CHILL:


    Surge (jolt)


    Leathal pursuer

    This build is heavily reliant on the two brown addons John's medical file and combat straps if you play to win.

    Booping the snoot of the pig is a fun tineraction to make friends over a videogame.

    It also makes you lose games instantly as killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Unneerving Presence doesn't either, or shouldn't. If it does, then its' a bug. No perks are supposed to affect a killer's power directly, only their addons.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    no it is not bug. it also affect doctor's snap out. you can read description. the description is

    "Survivors within your Terror Radius have a 10% greater chance of triggering Skill Checks when repairing or healing. Triggered Skill Checks' success zones are reduced by 40/50/60%."

    the first part of the perk is that if your healing or repair, your odd of skill-check is greater by 10%, so this part does not affect pig box/doc snap out but 2nd part does as it says that it affect all trigger skill-check success zones. jigsaw boxes have skill-check zones so they are affected by the perk. Snap out is also affected but... let's be real, those skill-check zones are giant for doc so i doubt it does anything. I have used the perk and nobody ever screams in tier 3 for survivor that i play against.

  • Member Posts: 1,558
    edited September 2023

    Again, if it IS then that's a bug still that they need to address. A Jigsaw box is not "healing or repairing" therefore it should not be affected. While it is two separate sentences, that's just the way it's worded so as to not make it longer or clunky.

    Yes, I am aware of the irony that I, as a Pig main, am asking them to Nerf the Pig, but a bug is a bug.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2023

    i am just saying it is not bug. it is meme build you can do in gideon's map as pig with those weird skill-check jigsaw box add-on. i have not played pig with that build for very long time. only skill-check it does not affect is decisive strike. it used to do that but it got changed at some point. I do not remember when.

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