The Singularity need a buff

Jean_Cobra Member Posts: 114
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hi, as you can read in the title of the thread, the Singularity deserves a rework concerning his m2, and in general his power.

Let's be honest, you have to remove a crate of EMP to leave only three on the map. EMP is still a huge problem for this killer, who almost never gets to use his power, and usually doesn't get rewarded for chasing.

  • By this logic, the IEM should be able to disable the cameras, but NOT remove the infection. Many people will tell me that maintaining the infection state will cause an imbalance against this killer, but not really.
  • Firstly, when he teleports on you, it is not a guarantee that he will hit you, since the teleportation is 50/50 depending on where you loop him (the spawn being completely random, I take for example the vaults where very often he will be on the other side rather than close to the survivor.
  • The effect of the infection could last 1 minute or a little longer, at the end of the effect the infection disappears. You would have no way to disinfect yourself during this time. The only way would be to being Hooked.

On the other hand, I think we should review the killer's Overclock effect, perhaps nerf it a little or change nothing.

I remind you that this is only a proposal, but if it can possibly give ideas to the developers I am happy to have contributed.


  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,073

    Yeah I wouldn't mind the infection being more of like a debuff on a timer, that way it rewards players for escaping chase rather than using an EMP to make Larry an m1 killer.

    Feels better for both parties this way honestly, I think the current way causes one sided games for either side.

  • JustAShadow
    JustAShadow Member Posts: 165

    Honestly, the only things he needs are his Soma Family Photo addon basekit and a small tweak to his camera detection system(particularly when you can't scan a survivor due to a small particle on the screen). Otherwise he is a pretty solid killer who just has a very high skill floor.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,930

    I think you could make Singularity alot strong if he could destroy finished EMPs in the box like Xeno can destroy turrets in the boxes.

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619

    You can't tho, survivors need to open the box and then grab turrent. Tell me the odds of survivors NOT taking the EMPs if it's ready.

    Also, the killer is already complicated enough to add another layers.

  • Pavel_Ch
    Pavel_Ch Member Posts: 241

    just give him the opportunity to use his m1 attack to knock out emp from his hands like Onre's cassettes