All players bonus BP items and the choice to choose who get the bonus

I've posted a similar post before a good while back, and I am now posting it again because this needs to be resolved.

It is about time to make it possible to choose who gets the BP bonus from all player BP bonus items (streamers and cakes/misus)

When I play the killer it is no problem, because when I play the killer I have control of the match almost every time (and if a survivor does not want to share the bonus BP item with me I'm fine with that)

But when I play survivor it is a problem, because in more than a few matches there are both ######### killers and ######### survivors. Killers that camp and tunnel, survivors that kite the killer on other survivors, survivors that don't do unhooks and then they go teabagging at the exit gate for the hooked survivor to see (especially irritating if I risked my own life to unhook that survivor earlier), or even survivors that co-op with the killer to snitch out other co-survivors.

It is my cake, and I want to decide who gets the bonus from it. (Or it is someone elses cake, and it is their choice)

Sure, such a feature would be "abused", but even so, it is still the one who offered the cake/streamer that should decide who gets the cake.

This might never be resolved. But as for now I will not offer any more bonus BP items that applies for all players while playing survivor, which kinda sucks because I have huge stacks of em. But I'll spare them until the system gets better, or they will never be used at all. I'm Mr. Escape Cake for now.